Could be stomach pain from the spleen

"Ten people with nine stomachs" is a traditional saying that nine out of ten people have stomach problems. It is not clear whether this is an exaggeration, but it shows how common stomach problems are. Stomach pain, stomachache, loss of appetite and vomiting, and easy fatigue are all manifestations of stomach discomfort.

In Chinese medicine, stomach discomfort is not only the problem of the stomach itself, Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach co-host the human body's digestion and absorption of food, and the spleen is the source of the human body's "Qi and blood generation", some seemingly stomach discomfort problems may be related to the spleen and stomach. Maintaining a scientific diet structure, reasonable diet, appropriate intake of vegetables, fruits, etc., can prevent the appearance of spleen and stomach disharmony symptoms to a certain extent.

The incidence of stomach disease in Chinese people is 85%

"Ten people with nine stomachs" is a more traditional saying, which may be exaggerated, but stomach pain, gastrointestinal discomfort, vomiting, acid reflux and other symptoms are indeed troubling many people's health conditions.

With the acceleration of the pace of life, stomach pain, indigestion, loss of appetite and vomiting, and easy fatigue are not unfamiliar to the workplace, and some people have become accustomed to these symptoms. But the disease itself is not simple.

Taking dyspepsia as an example, its symptoms include many kinds, specific to the individual there are some differences, some people are mainly manifested as abdominal distension, early satiety, etc., some people are manifested as loss of appetite, pain, etc.

Experts believe that indigestion is a symptom, mainly including functional and organic two.

Functional dyspepsia, that is, all clinical examinations are normal, no signs such as inflammation, polyps and even tumors are found, no abnormalities in structure and shape, etc., for this type of dyspepsia, clinical treatment is mainly for the symptoms of conditioning, generally speaking, can achieve the effect of alleviating symptoms.

Dyspepsia caused by organic diseases is the disease that can detect the relevant cause, including gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and so on.

The "stomach" disease may be the "spleen"

Some stomach symptoms, in addition to the stomach itself may exist problems, may also be related to the spleen.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is the "source of Qi and blood biochemistry" of the human body, and the normal operation of various tissues and organs of the human body depends on the "qi and blood" generated by the spleen. Lack of qi and blood is easy to cause a variety of symptoms, such as stomach pain, acid reflux, flatulence, etc., people seem to have been accustomed to, in fact, may be related to the spleen and stomach.

Specifically, the food ingested by the human body can not only provide the energy needed by the human body to maintain normal body functions, but the digestion and absorption of food in the human body will also affect human health. If the food is digested and absorbed smoothly, it can meet the normal nutritional needs of the human body, on the contrary, it is easy to cause health risks.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that compared with other organs, the spleen and stomach play a major role in the digestion and absorption of food by the human body, but there are also obvious differences in the roles played by the two.

From the point of view of Chinese medicine, the stomach is the main receptivity, while the spleen is the main transport; Stomach qi main down, can make food and its dross to go down, the main rise of temper, so that the essence of food to nourish the whole body; In addition, the stomach prefers moistening to dryness, and the spleen prefers dryness to dampness.

Therefore, in the process of human digestion and absorption of food, the spleen and stomach is the relationship of unity of opposites. If the two run smoothly, the human body can successfully complete the important link of food digestion and absorption, and otherwise, the spleen and stomach are prone to discord.

■ Health Tips

Stomach pain, loss of appetite first look at the duration

In general, stomach pain, indigestion, loss of appetite and other symptoms have a lot to do with the spleen and stomach discord, how to treat these symptoms, you need to depend on the specific situation.

If these symptoms are only occasional and do not last long, there is no need to worry, because occasionally after irregular eating or sleep habits are broken, people may also have symptoms such as indigestion.

If these symptoms occur more frequently and often for no reason, from the point of view of Chinese medicine, these symptoms are the manifestation of weakness of the spleen and stomach.

Specifically, the common loss of appetite, easy fatigue, stomach pain, etc. belong to the performance of spleen deficiency, which is also a common type of spleen and stomach weakness, which needs to be vigilant.

Prevent spleen and stomach disharmony and maintain regular life

Spleen and stomach disharmony is not preventable, from the reason of spleen and stomach disharmony, unscientific dietary structure and habits are important reasons, therefore, to prevent spleen and stomach disharmony, we should develop scientific and reasonable dietary habits, pay attention to diet structure, appropriate intake of vegetables, fruits, etc., increase food types as much as possible, avoid monotonous diet, and try to avoid large intake of raw and cold food.

Secondly, a positive attitude is also an important aspect of preventing spleen and stomach discord, and many diseases are related to people's excessive worry. Therefore, we should try to maintain a peaceful mind, optimistic attitude towards life, and avoid mental stimulation and mood ups and downs.

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