Pomelo is full of treasure

The skin of pomelo also has three wonderful uses

The fruit of pomelo is from September to December, and it is one of the favorite fruits in autumn. Pomelo fruit is crisp, tender, juicy and sweet, rich in water, can replenish water for the body, so that people can not stop eating. Not only is the flesh of the grapefruit rich in nutrients, but the skin is also a good thing.

Grapefruit is rich in vitamins and minerals and has a low glycemic index, which is suitable for diabetics

Grapefruit is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, carotene and other vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals.

Each 100 grams of grapefruit edible part contains 84.8 grams of water, 12.2 grams of carbohydrates, 0.7 grams of protein, 0.6 grams of fat, 0.8 grams of crude fiber, containing 57 kcal of energy.

Grapefruit also contains a variety of micronutrients, including a variety of minerals, such as calcium 41 mg, phosphorus 43 mg, iron 0.9 mg; There are also multivitamins, such as carotene 0.12 mg, riboflavin 0.02 mg, niacin 0.5 mg.

Vitamin C in grapefruit pulp acts as a natural antioxidant, which can achieve antioxidant and hypoglycemic effects by clearing free radicals in the body. The glycemic index (GI value) of grapefruit is 25, and the glycemic load (GL value) is 2, which shows that the sugar content of grapefruit is not high, and it is suitable for diabetic people.

Grapefruit skin is also a good thing to help reduce blood viscosity, reduce blood clots and so on

Pomelo peel contains naringin and rutin and other flavonoids, these substances have antioxidant activity, can reduce the viscosity of blood, reduce the formation of thrombosis, cerebral thrombosis and stroke and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have a better preventive effect.

Grapefruit has the effect of lowering blood sugar, because grapefruit contains a variety of phytochemicals, but some of these phytochemicals exist in the part of grapefruit that can not be eaten - grapefruit skin. Pomelo peel has three major nutrients.

  1. Natural pigments

The pigments in pomelo peel include fat soluble carotenoids and water soluble yellow flavonoids.

The main component of the water-soluble pigment is naringin, which is a kind of polyphenol existing in grapefruit peel, which has antioxidant and hypoglycemic effects.

  1. Dietary fiber

Pomelo peel is rich in dietary fiber, in which water-soluble dietary fiber can improve intestinal motility and reduce blood sugar.

  1. Grapefruit peel pectin

Pomelo peel pectin is a kind of straight chain polymer chain complex polysaccharide, which has the effect of lowering low density lipoprotein cholesterol, reducing the damage of artery wall, and lowering blood sugar.

Pomelo skin can be eaten and can be cleverly used in three recommended ways

Grapefruit skin green with a little bitter taste, taste unique. In particular, the pomelo peel of Guangxi Shatin pomelo is thick and full, white and fragrant.

When eating grapefruit skin, you need to remove the bluish yellow skin and the flocculent tightly wrapped inside, leaving the soft part in the middle. Pomelo peel has three benefits.

  1. Soak in water to lower blood sugar

If diabetic patients want to reduce blood sugar through grapefruit, they should make full and comprehensive use of all parts of grapefruit. For example, use grapefruit peel to soak water, dice the peel, put 15-20 at a time in water around 25-70 ° C for 10 minutes.

  1. Cook

Pomelo skin with meat, make pomelo steamed pork, pomelo pork belly pot, pomelo skin steamed ribs, etc., pomelo fragrance and meat fragrance penetrate each other, unique flavor, but also can play a role in resolving grease, help digestion.

  1. Natural deodorant

Pomelo peel is a porous structure, which can purify and adsorb formaldehyde in the air. Put the pomelo peel into pieces in the refrigerator, and the odor of the food is not only cleaned, but only a light grapefruit fragrance is left.

Put the dried pomelo peel into the shoes, which can also deodorize and kill bacteria. Kitchen and bathroom sewer odor can also be boiled in pomelo peel water rinse soak to remove, simple and practical.

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