About persimmons and the stomach

Autumn is the harvest season of various fruits, and the market has begun to sell various fruits in season. Autumn dry air, should eat more moisture rich, nourishing fruit, folk this period also has a lot of dietary customs, such as "summer to eat buds, autumn to eat fruit." Although the fruit is good, the way you eat is still very important, for you to learn how to eat these nutrient-rich autumn fruits healthily.

This fruit is in season but people "love and hate"! Interpret the major questions about persimmon

Autumn is full of fruitful harvests. There is a folk saying, "White dew beats walnuts, and frost descends to pick persimmons," which is a good time to eat persimmons. Speaking of persimmon, after the soft persimmon skin thin meat tender, sweet taste, really can not help but eat a few more. But many people are far away from it, because it is heard that persimmon can not eat, especially eating on an empty stomach is easy to grow stones; It is also said that people with anemia are not recommended to eat, and are more prone to anemia; There are also rumors that the processed persimmon white cream is a preservative.

Q: Eat persimmon long stone on an empty stomach?

Answer: This statement is too absolute, stones have other factors.

Eating persimmon on an empty stomach produces a relatively large probability of stones, but the formation of stomach stones, the more critical factor is that the stomach power is not enough, eat too much at once or eat persimmon containing high tannic acid for several days.

If you eat a deastringent persimmon or a ripe sweet persimmon on an empty stomach, you do not need to worry too much about stones.

Persimmon is indeed related to gastrointestinal calculus, mainly because persimmon contains more tannic acid, also known as tannin, mainly concentrated in the peel. Its astringent taste is actually a way for plants to "protect themselves" from being eaten; However, we humans accept this astringency, like the unique flavor of wine and the heavy feeling of tea, mainly tannic acid, a polyphenolic substance.

If you eat a lot of tannic acid into the stomach, in the environment of stomach acid polymerization to form gelatinous condensation, and then with protein, pectin and other adhesion combination, forming a sticky mixture, slowly hardened into "stones", inducing stones, causing stomach distension, stomach pain. If it is caused by persimmon, there is a special name called "stomach persimmon stone".

According to the data, the appearance of "stomach persimmon stone", many and themselves have gastrointestinal diseases (accompanied by weakened stomach function or disorder), or eat a large number of persimmon related.

Of course, your stomach is normal, and it is difficult to give tannin sufficient contact with other food ingredients to "aggregate into clusters". Moreover, persimmon varieties now produced in agriculture are already low in tannic acid.

It is important to know that the appearance of gastroliths is affected by a variety of factors, such as a history of gastric surgery, diabetes, psychiatric disorders, as well as peptic ulcer, reflux esophagitis and other acid-related diseases are also closely related.

Therefore, only persimmon intake is concerned when diagnosing stones, which is not comprehensive and should be comprehensively analyzed.

Q: Pregnant women can't eat persimmons?

A: Pure rumor.

As long as it is safe and hygienic, and is not allergic to persimmon, it can be safely eaten. As long as the gastrointestinal function is normal, there is no problem to eat persimmon occasionally. Follow the same precautions as before.

Q: Anaemic people can not eat persimmon?

A: It is generally found only in people who are vegetarian or eat a lot of persimmons.

As for the saying that "anemia can not eat persimmon", it is felt that tannic acid will affect the absorption of iron. In theory, this phenomenon will only appear in vegetarian people, and it is a long-term consumption of persimmon. Because only non-heme iron present in plants is affected by tannic acid, and the absorption rate of heme iron in animals is not reduced by the presence of tannic acid. Therefore, for the vast majority of people, occasionally eating persimmon will not cause anemia.

For people with anemia, it is more important to know what causes anemia, rather than simply staying on the surface of the problem of "whether to eat persimmon". If it is a common iron deficiency anemia, eat more animal liver, animal blood, lean meat to increase iron intake, if necessary, supplement iron preparations.

Q: Is persimmon rich in nutrients?

A: There are 10 times more vitamin C than apples.

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