Respiratory infections can be pathogens of epidemic

Viruses and microorganisms attack together, how do ordinary people cope?

Respiratory pathogen infection is mostly self-limited disease, mild patients can heal themselves with a good rest.

Everyone is concerned about influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, mycoplasma, exchange knowledge of various viruses and bacteria on social platforms, ordinary people can distinguish the symptoms of multiple respiratory pathogens infection? What are the differences?

In fact, now we clearly feel that there is an increasing trend of influenza A virus infections, mainly H3N2, of course, we have also detected rhinovirus, adenovirus, metapneumovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and mycoplasma infection, these pathogens are co-existing.

The most common virus that causes a cold is the rhinovirus, which causes the same symptoms as the common cold, relatively mild, sneezing, runny nose, and some people have a sore throat. The symptoms of mild adenovirus infection are not much different from those of a cold, and severe adenovirus infection will have more clear manifestations of pneumonia, as well as some systemic symptoms, such as diarrhea.

In fact, the symptoms of influenza are mainly sore throat, cough, there are also some systemic symptoms, such as high fever, body aches and so on; Relatively speaking, the symptoms of runny nose and sneezing are mild symptoms. The symptoms of mycoplasma infection are mainly irritating dry cough without phlegm, but some patients with pneumonia may have high fever. Respiratory syncytial virus infection is generally in children, or basic diseases, especially the elderly with basic lung diseases are more common, we are more concerned about syncytial virus these two days, but in fact, it is prevalent throughout the year, there is no particularly clear peak like influenza.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in children is relatively common, and it has been reported that most children have been infected before the age of two. Respiratory syncytial virus infection in adults is relatively rare.

It can sometimes be second only to the flu. It can cause pneumonia, such as bronchiolitis. Children may have spastic coughing with difficulty breathing.

Do we need to worry about the possibility of developing pneumonia after infection with a variety of respiratory pathogens?

These pathogens are mainly upper respiratory tract infections, basically are self-limited diseases, and the possibility of clinical development of pneumonia is relatively small. Patients with basic diseases or immune deficiency, as well as the elderly and children, these people should pay more attention to some, such as high fever for three or four days or cough is more intense, it is recommended that patients do chest imaging testing; If it is mild, you do not need to go to the hospital and have a good rest.

Can multiple respiratory pathogens currently circulating be infected at the same time?

It is possible for a person to be infected with more than two pathogens at the same time, but generally speaking, it is a small probability event, the probability is generally not more than 5%. More often, immunocompromised people are infected with a virus and develop secondary bacterial or fungal infections as the disease progresses. After infection with any pathogen, the body's immune repair takes some time, so this time it is more important to pay attention to self-protection to avoid being re-infected by other pathogens.

What are the targeted treatments for different respiratory pathogens?

After infection with influenza virus, there are special anti-influenza virus drugs, commonly used is oseltamivir, you can use influenza test kit to confirm whether you are infected with influenza virus.

But the infection of respiratory syncytial virus and adenovirus has no specific medicine, so we have to treat the symptoms, fever with antipyretic medicine, sore throat can drink more water, gargle with light salt water, some lozenges can also relieve sore throat, cough can use cough and phlegm. Mild cases can be relieved slowly without medication.

Antiviral drugs such as oseltamivir are suitable for people, such as children under 5 years old, the elderly, obesity, underlying diseases, pregnant women and other high-risk groups are recommended to take, preferably within 48 hours of the onset of disease.

Because the principle of antiviral drugs is to inhibit the replication of the virus, after a period of time, the amount of virus is too much, the effect of the drug will become worse. If there are no risk factors and the symptoms are mild, there is no need for medication. Of course, if there is contact with high-risk groups, it is still recommended to take medication, which can reduce transmission and protect others.

The most important thing is to drink more water, supplement vitamin C, pay attention to rest, and strengthen nutrition. After illness, do not just lie down and do not eat, you should eat, a small number of meals, so as to help the recovery of the disease.

What symptoms do you need to see a doctor after infection with respiratory pathogens?

Now there are more respiratory pathogens infection, but generally speaking, there is no tension, this has been the case for many years, winter and spring are high incidence periods, we must relax emotions, not to say that fever must go to the hospital. The more people in the hospital and the longer the wait, the higher the risk of cross-infection. We still need to do a self-assessment.

The first is based on the severity of clinical symptoms, whether it causes organ function damage, such as pneumonia, actual heart damage, whether it affects eating, work, and sleep. For example, the body temperature soon rises to 40 ° C, the whole body feels weak and does not want to move, and the cough is particularly obvious, resulting in the inability to sleep and breathing difficulties. Under normal circumstances, breathing 16-20 times per minute, if it reaches 22-26 times per minute, you may have to go to the hospital. If the blood oxygen saturation is less than 93% after the activity, you should also go to the hospital.

The second is to see if there is a risk factor for developing severe disease. These pathogen infections are self-limited and may resolve in 5-7 days, with individual periods longer. However, some high-risk groups such as children, the elderly, obesity, basic diseases, and pregnant women may develop serious diseases after infection. If you have chronic lung disease or asthma before, after infection with respiratory pathogens, especially respiratory syncytial virus, mycoplasma, asthma may be aggravated, there will be an acute attack, this situation to go to the hospital for evaluation.

What symptoms should children pay attention to after infection with respiratory pathogens?

Young children can not speak, as a parent to focus on observing his state, with the saying "is not wilted". Fever after the child is particularly lazy, do not move, has been sleeping, this situation is to go to the hospital; If the child is alive and kicking, can eat and cry, there is no need to worry too much.

And watch for a fever. Body temperature 39℃, head and neck very hot, but limbs cold, then go to the hospital; If the temperature of the hands and feet is OK, don't be too nervous.

How to prevent respiratory pathogen infection?

In winter, when the weather is cold, these pathogens can survive relatively long in low temperatures. People have fewer outdoor activities and spend more time indoors, especially in places where crowds gather, if ventilation is not good, it is easy to cause clustered transmission. Because respiratory infectious diseases are mainly spread by droplets, coughing, sneezing, talking loudly, etc., it is very important to wear a mask, and you should wear a mask throughout your visit to the hospital.

In addition, droplets carrying these pathogens will contaminate the surrounding environment, object surfaces, such as mice, keyboards, doorknobs, etc., if we do not pay attention, rubbing eyes with hands, picking noses will also lead to indirect transmission. Pay attention to hand hygiene, if you do not wash your hands, you can rub them with disinfectant, do not touch our mouth, eyes and nose.

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