Incubation period. It is usually 5-21 days, with an average of 7-14 days

Bordetella pertussis has weak resistance to external physical and chemical factors and can survive in vitro for a short time. The bacteria is sensitive to heat and ultraviolet rays, and can be inactivated by heating to 56℃ for 30 minutes,

sunlight exposure for 1 hour, and drying for 3-5 hours. 75% ethanol, chlorine-containing disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid and other commonly used disinfectants can be effectively sterilized.

(1) Source of infection. Infected people are the main source of infection. For infants and young children, parents or other residents infected with bordetella pertussis are the most important source of infection.

(2) Means of transmission. It is mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets, such as the infected person coughs, sneezes, etc., and spreads the bacteria into the air, and susceptible people are infected by inhaling the infected droplets. It can also be spread by close contact.

(3) Incubation period. It is usually 5-21 days, with an average of 7-14 days.

(4) Period of infection. It is contagious from the beginning of incubation period to 6 weeks after the onset of disease, especially from the end of incubation period to 2-3 weeks after the onset of disease.

(5) Susceptible population. The population is generally susceptible, especially infants. Vaccination with pertussis components or natural infection does not provide lifelong protection.

(1) Case discovery and reporting.

Medical institutions at all levels and of all types diagnose cases by referring to the "pertussis Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (2023 edition)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Diagnosis and Treatment Plan"), and find suspected cases of pertussis,

clinically diagnosed cases, and confirmed cases, and have the conditions for direct online reporting should be reported through the Chinese Disease Prevention and Control Information System within 24 hours in accordance with the reporting requirements of Class B infectious diseases.

Units that do not yet have the conditions for direct online reporting should promptly report to the local county-level CDC by appropriate means of communication (such as telephone, fax, etc.), and send the infectious disease report card in a timely manner, and the county-level CDC will immediately report directly online after receiving the report.

When reporting suspected cases of pertussis, clinically diagnosed cases and confirmed cases, medical institutions should fill in "ordinary inpatient cases" or "intensive care unit (ICU) treatment cases" for hospitalized cases.

(2) Revision of cases.

The medical institution reporting the case should timely revise the follow-up information according to the progress of the patient's condition. Timely correction of suspected cases and clinically diagnosed cases based on laboratory test results; If a pertussis case is admitted to the ICU for treatment, it should be corrected and retained in time.

(3) Case management.

1.Hospitalized cases. Medical institutions at all levels and of all types shall, in accordance with the requirements of the Diagnosis and Treatment Plan, implement isolation treatment for cases requiring hospitalization. For ICU treatment cases,

death cases and other key cases, by the county CDC where the case report place together with medical institutions to carry out epidemiological investigation, timely take targeted intervention measures.

2.Non-hospitalized cases. Medical institutions should inform cases of relevant precautions during self-isolation, including reducing close contact with the outside world and family members,

especially avoiding close contact with key groups such as infants and pregnant women. If you need to go out, wear a mask, maintain social distancing, and avoid going to crowded places.

For pertussis cases treated with effective antibiotics, the self-isolation period is 5 days after clinical diagnosis to effective antibiotic treatment; For cases that do not receive effective antimicrobial therapy in time, the self-isolation period is 21 days after the onset of disease. Seek medical attention if your illness worsens during self-isolation.

(1) Monitoring of medical institutions. Medical institutions at all levels and of all types shall report pertussis cases found in diagnosis and treatment in a timely manner according to law and regulations.

(2) Sentinel hospital monitoring. All provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps shall include pertussis in the scope of national sentinel surveillance for acute respiratory infectious diseases,

and in accordance with the requirements of the National Sentinel Surveillance Program for acute Respiratory Infectious Diseases (Trial), sentinel hospitals and network laboratories shall carry out surveillance throughout the year,

in which sentinel hospitals are responsible for collecting and submitting samples. The network laboratory conducts nucleic acid testing, pathogen identification, gene sequencing and information reporting.

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