vrelax the standards for release from isolation management and post-discharge health monitoring

According to scientific means, do a good job of effective protection, go out less, wear masks when going out, pay attention to personal hygiene, and avoid group gatherings. Be vigilant at all times;

Monitor body temperature, detect symptoms, appropriately understand their physical symptoms, once there is an abnormal situation should seek the support of a professional doctor.Scientific epidemic prevention should keep pace with The Times

There are two important changes: First, the implementation of classified treatment of cases, the implementation of centralized isolation management of mild cases, no longer require admission. Second, relax the standards for release from isolation management and discharge,

relax the standards for release from isolation management and post-discharge health monitoring. Previously, the Health Commission just approved "adding antigen detection as a supplement on the basis of nucleic acid detection", which was also written into the new version of the diagnosis and treatment plan as "optimizing case discovery and reporting procedures".

Two days later, at a press conference on the new coronavirus epidemic in Shanghai, Zhang Wenhong said that the new diagnosis and treatment protocol is a strategic adjustment, a big step in the field of diagnosis and treatment of the novel coronavirus, and a small step in the entire process of fighting the epidemic.

We are happy to see such changes that keep pace with The Times and seek truth from facts. Since March, the domestic epidemic situation has become increasingly severe. In the half month from March 1 to March 14, more than 15,000 cases of infected people have been reported in the local epidemic,

affecting 28 provinces. School infections occurred in Jilin, and the number of new infections in a single day exceeded 1,000 for several consecutive days. Shenzhen, which is adjacent to Hong Kong, has started several rounds of nucleic acid testing for all staff and stopped all non-essential flows,

which is equivalent to pressing the pause button for the city. Shanghai was "broken" because of the negligence of the isolation hotel, and this model city of precision epidemic prevention has also expanded the control area and increased control measures.

This is largely due to the rapid infection of the Omicron strain, mild symptoms or even no symptoms, easy to form latent transmission, a little slow fall is passive. Be aware that this is the reality we will face for some time to come.

If in the past two years and more, we have relied on precise prevention and control to control the epidemic and balance the needs of people's livelihood to the greatest extent, then now we need to think about whether the balance between the two needs to be adjusted according to changes in time.

Under the general policy of dynamic zeroing, on the bottom line of keeping the epidemic from a large-scale rebound, and facing the characteristics of Omicron, how to make more scientific use of medical resources to ensure that it is not run out,

so that people infected with the new coronavirus and those in need of routine medical treatment can be treated? How to explore ways for quarantined and rehabilitated people to return to normal life faster under the condition that the risk of virus transmission is under control?

The new version of the diagnosis and treatment plan is to respond to these problems from the medical professional level, which is based on scientific evidence-based adjustments. Given the high proportion of mild and asymptomatic infections caused by omicron,

classified treatment will greatly free up medical resources and provide better protection for critically ill patients. The relaxation of discharge standards will also achieve the same effect, and there is a large amount of scientific data to prove that this lowering of standards does not increase the risk of prevention and control.

The same is true for the control adjustment of those released from isolation and those discharged from hospital. Originally, 14 days of isolation and health monitoring were required after discharge, but now only 7 days of home monitoring is required, which is of great significance for them to return to their original life trajectory more quickly.

"With this virus, eliminating fear is the first step we have to take." Zhang Wenhong said so in a recent article. That's true, and that's one of the things we change with time. Under the epidemic of Omicron strain, the occurrence of domestic epidemic distribution and repetition is a high probability event.

From the public's point of view, it is necessary to understand the virus scientifically and avoid irrational panic. In the outbreak of the epidemic in Jilin colleges and universities, the collapse panic of students is certainly related to the improper handling of the school,

inadequate psychological intervention and the instinctive reaction of individuals in the face of uncertainty, but it also reflects that the risk popularization of the new coronavirus needs to be strengthened.

Recognizing that the general population is mainly mild after infection with Omicron, and the risk of life-threatening is extremely low, does not mean that epidemic prevention can be "lying flat" - after all,

there are high-risk elderly people in society, patients with basic diseases, epidemic prevention is to be considered as a whole. However, eliminating the irrational fear of society can help us stay calm when we really fight with the virus, and can also help those infected with the new coronavirus eliminate the "stigma", relieve the psychological burden, and better return to society.

In the current severe and complex epidemic situation, local prevention and control policies may be upgraded due to needs, which is to protect the health of the people. However, we still need to stress that no matter what kind of prevention and control policies are adopted,

the people-oriented concept behind them, respect for individual dignity and the bottom line of the rule of law must not be lost. There is no absolute, quantifiable criterion for the balance between epidemic prevention and control and protecting people's livelihood.

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