The Japanese national treasure actress went to the sea to shoot AV, worth 500 million yuan to do female actress, why are beautiful women so?

Not long ago, a news let people surprise, Japan's national treasure opera actress 23-year-old Sakura-moon is ya, suddenly announced to withdraw from the Japanese Takarazuka opera company, quickly "down to the sea" into the Japanese AV industry, pseudonym Nagisa love born, so that everyone unexpected, triggered a huge shock in Japanese showbusiness.

What is the concept of Takarazuka? Known as Japan's national treasure class song and dance troupe, Tianhai Youxi, Kuroki Hitomi these national actresses, they come from here.

Sakura-moon is a rich family, with 20 years of classical ballet skills, 14 years with a dream of an actor into the Japanese pattern palace of Takarazuka, whether from birth or resume, are very able to play.

As a newly signed actress of SOD company, for the company can be said to be painted on a very beautiful color, SOD sworn to call her "big thing artist and the most gorgeous artist in history to the sea", with her artist identity +SOD operation of another artist small four leaf success (small four leaf is the current sales ace of SOD), Not surprisingly, she should also be a "rainmaker" in the AO circle in the future!

Sakurayuki is not only a noble birth, and sweet looks, completely long in the Japanese male aesthetic, such conditions to devote to the AV industry, indeed has a very prominent condition.

AV to the outside world seems to be a job that can not be put on the stage, what is it that makes this actress who is very good in all conditions decide to join?

In fact, it is not unusual for such things to happen in Japan. This is already a very common occupation in Japan, it is reported that, like public relations miss and AV actress is becoming more and more Japanese girls yearn for the occupation, the scarcity of practitioners, resulting in the phenomenon of "rare people are expensive", such girls, not only Sakurayuki is a.

In Japan, the porn industry is not a desperate occupation that will be considered, girls of any age, occupation, origin, are the "reserve army" of this line, and anyone's participation is not surprising.

There are many girls like Sakuragi, some of them are in order to make money, some are in order to get rid of the dull life, and some are in love with this industry

Worth 500 million president daughter, aiming to get rid of the rich depressed, 19 years old decided to go to the sea to shoot.

There is also the well-known writer Suzuki Komi, who graduated from the University of Tokyo, was also born into a wealthy family with high knowledge. Her work "From the Limit" deeply discusses women's love and sex, which has attracted wide attention. Even this talented female writer, also gave up her career, in order to fight against the pressure of her mother and release themselves, threw herself into the AV industry, became a female actress, and took hundreds of films.

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