Taylor Swift has raked in billions of dollars on her global tour, turning herself into a real-life Barbie in diamond tights and a sexy banshee in crystal cutout dresses

These days, there is a group of such fans is crazy! One person described the crowd as booking hotels, filling restaurants, crowding bars wherever they went, and the sound at the concert was as loud as a 2.3 magnitude earthquake! They're really crazy

Us pop diva Taylor Swift's world Tour "The Eras Tour" has kicked off with a bang. Since March this year, the tour has spanned 5 continents around the world, 146 performances, this journey of the century, 10,000 people are carnival, "Swift fans" have got tickets?

In addition to the concert, Taylor Swift's performance also led to the craze of wearing it, and "Swift fans" called it "OOETR" meaning -- Outfit of the Eras Tour! The topic of the small red book is full of heat, everyone has discussed and shared their own wearing experience, it is really for the concert what to wear.

In addition to the tour, Swift posted on Instagram: "This Time tour is not the only thing we're talking about around the world. I'm excited to tell you that the Time Tour movie is now available in official theaters across the country on October 13th. Check out your local websites to purchase it!"

Once the "Times Tour" concert was released, the movie box office was 110 million dagao, which was equivalent to 800 million yuan! No wonder couture designers are rushing to dress Taylor Swift!

And just like that, Swift took her world tour to a new high. What couture did Taylor Swift wear for $800 million? From concerts, red carpets, to everyday wear, follow SO Sister to take a look!

First of all, part of the concert clothing inventory, the style includes cute and playful, domineering cool sa, sexy POWER, Xianqi Piaopiao, noble gas elegant, worthy of high Ding!

Blue flash diamond Capi from Versace. The bodysuit is designed to outline the figure, the flash diamonds are studded with the body, the pink diamonds are arranged linearly, extending downward, and the blue diamonds are around the chest, catching the eye. With the same color diamond necklace, outline the neck line, feet on Christian Louboutin high-heeled boots, thighs exposed, simply shine "Barbie" himself!

Speaking of Versace, in addition to the cute and cute Kirby "Milo", there is also the president of Coolsa "Milo"!

In the concert, this silhouette suit, silver flashing diamonds covered the body, V-neck design, wide shoulders and narrow waist, the length is not long, inadvertently revealing Taylor's beautiful legs, with the same color boots, the red soles of the publicity color declare the wildness and unruly of the wearer! It's so cool! Can't help but call "Swift" sister kill me!

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