How many Chinese directors are making "Hollywood movies for leather"?

"I am the Mountain", which set off a wave of public opinion during the screening period, turned dumb after the real release. The huge attention of "black and red" failed to bring box office dividends to the film, with the current box office forecast, it is difficult to break 100 million.

Looking back at the propaganda momentum before the release of "I was the mountain", who could have expected that the quasi-dark horse that repeatedly hit new highs in short videos actually turned over the car on the spot. Not only did the screenings fail to point out the word of mouth, they almost "point" the film out.

Perhaps until now, the creator of "I am the Mountain" has not really understood and accepted what the problem is. In the face of gender and faith issues raised by the audience, especially for the rationality of the role of "alcoholic mother", the lead actor Hai Qing's response is to do research. Screenwriter Yuan Yuan cited positive examples of women depicted in the film, and responded to netizens saying "women's rights against women's rights."

Regardless of the conflicting social issues, from a professional point of view, Hard Sugar Jun believes that the reason why the film is so twisted is the creative method - it sets the wrong "foreign" narrative template.

Commercial films "set" the template of foreign commercial films, art films "set" the template of foreign art films, and the works of representative directors Kore-eda Yukazu and Hong Shangxiu in Japan and South Korea in recent years are the hardest hit areas by "copied templates". This phenomenon has long been a common problem in the domestic film and television industry, but "I am the Mountain" because of its special subject matter, concentrated exposed the problem.

Another typical case that is relatively hidden because of too much paste is another film that Hu Ge starred in this year, "The Trip is not worth it" - the probability that Hu Ge participated in the film makes this "foreign as Chinese" fault is too high, or find an assistant who understands China's national conditions to help check the script is appropriate.

However, if you move the setting of these Chinese movies to Japan, to the United States, everything makes sense - of course, we don't know whether Americans and Japanese people will love it.

Some netizens joked that many of the characters in "I am the Mountain" seemed to run to the wrong set. The "alcoholic mother" would be the white mother in Big Little Lies, the "student who skips class to go to the Internet cafe" would be the poor therapy student in the Japanese movie Hot Girls Bottom, and the "teacher in school" would be the weird teacher in Dead Poets Society.

In a domestic film, you can see the shadow of so many foreign film and television characters, but you can't see the real people in China. If you do not examine the truth is not true, with China's 1.4 billion population base point of view, the vast rural land must be able to find alcoholic mothers, Internet cafe students, strange teachers. But this is by no means a universal phenomenon, not representative of any, so it is difficult for the audience to understand, empathize.

The reason why the main creator successfully performed this kind of "atypical" role and entrusted with the excuse of "research" can only be because of - "plot needs".

A screenwriter friend told Hard Candy King that it is really difficult to get rid of "skim" thinking in screenwriting. Obviously, the real information is there, but it is easy for the scriptwriter to follow the western drama theory, to forcibly create binary opposition and conflict, and to create unreal characters for the so-called tension and attraction. The prototype of the character is naturally a habitual reference to foreign film and television works.

Zhang Guimei's story has been widely reported, and everyone knows that she believes in an absolute idea, but the film has to change her belief to a specific person - Hu Ge's deceased husband. Because Western drama theory is taught in this way, so many classic foreign movies are also played in this way, a person with great ideals will also be trapped in their own selfish desires, and eventually have to return to personal problems.

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