Memorable Hollywood remakes such as Nolan, Card God and Billy Wilder have all adapted other people's films

Mtime features mention remake or adaptation, in the eyes of some fans, this is the lack of originality of the film creator. However, throughout the history of film, remaking and adaptation is a widespread phenomenon,

and some remakes are aimed at re-creating existing classics in different eras, diverse groups and different understandings. For example, as many as five versions of "Ben-Hur" have been filmed countless times as a Shakespeare classic or a world masterpiece.

Some are the renovation of the old film library by Hollywood studios, such as the classic IP such as "King Kong" and "The Mummy" that have been remade again and again.

In the field of superhero or comic book movies, the same character is remade many times, and Hollywood practitioners have invented the term Reboot.

There is also the Hollywood company's remake of some foreign films, which is simply the production of English versions. This article discusses this kind of.

For more than half a century, many whimsical works from Europe, Asia and South America have been remade by Hollywood companies. These works through the Hollywood global distribution system, so that more fans can enjoy their style.

The directors involved in these remakes are not just generic, Billy Wilder, Martin Scorsese, James Cameron, Christopher Nolan and other big names are involved. Some of the works are so brilliant because of the Hollywood version that many people forget that it is a remake.

Excellent remake will not be the original copy and paste, on the basis of respecting the core of the original, use a new perspective, express a new understanding, integrate the specific personal feelings, social background and characteristics of the era, in order to better fit the cognition of the era audience.

Remake can not simply be attributed to the lack of original creativity of the creator, after all, the history of the film is written by all the filmmakers, whether it is standing on the shoulders of giants or paying tribute to the classic, no matter which country and region filmmakers, his whimsiness is worthy of appreciation.

A tribute to these whimsy can be paid by remaking it. Or it can be said that surpassing the original and recreating the classic is not only the embodiment of their own ability, but also the best praise for the original.

The following list of 10 works in reverse order according to the release time, taking advantage of the National Day holiday, you may wish to watch or review. The selection criteria for Mtime score of more than 7 points, limited space can not include all excellent remakes, there are better Hollywood remakes of non-English works of the case, you can add in the comment section.

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