3·8 Women's role models! 10 outstanding women won the title of national March 8 Red flag pacesetter

Bruma Khan Mauledo has long been rooted in the border of the motherland, and has no regrets and unknown to devote her youth to the cause of guarding the border of the motherland.

In 1961, deeply affected by her father's patriotic border guarding feelings, she came to Jigen Township with her husband to become a border guard, in the average altitude of 4,000 meters above the Donggurama border line, more than 50 years a day to patrol the border protection, at least 20 kilometers a day to walk the mountain road, creating a case of human and animal crossing the border incident of the border guarding performance.

In the 1960s, there was no obvious boundary monument on the Donggurama border line, so she took the initiative to learn to write the word "China" and engraved the name of the motherland on the large and small rocks of the Pamir Plateau with a stroke and a stroke, and engraved more than 100,000 pieces of "Chinese stone" in more than 50 years.

She supports the army and loves the army, regards the border officers and soldiers as children, has rescued the officers and soldiers 156 times, and is affectionately known as "Donggurama mother" by the soldiers guarding the border. One day in July 1986, when she was patrolling the border, she found that the boundary monument of Donggulama Pass had been moved, and immediately rushed to the border police station on horseback to report, and confirmed by the staff's investigation that the boundary monument had been artificially moved 25 centimeters in the direction of Chinese territory, and finally, after negotiation, the boundary monument returned to its original position. She carved the motherland in her heart, known as a walking boundary monument, and is still guarding the border of the motherland with border soldiers. Through her words and examples, her three sons and two daughters are border guards.

When it comes to patriotic border protection, she firmly said, "Our family's determination to measure the sacred territory of the motherland with their feet will not stop, the belief of patrolling and protecting the border will not change, and the patriotic feeling of the motherland will not change."

In 1946, Li Huanying studied at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, and became one of the first officials after the establishment of the World Health Organization. In 1957, she declined to be retained by the World Health Organization, and after several twists and turns, she returned to her motherland in 1958.

She combined advanced treatment methods from abroad with the reality of China, took the lead in carrying out short-course combination chemotherapy, and implemented a special action plan to eliminate leprosy by combining vertical prevention and control with grassroots prevention and control network, so that leprosy, which has been raging wildly for thousands of years, can be controlled and curable, known as "the world's best treatment action", and the prevention and control experience is promoted globally.

Li Huanying devoted all her energy to the cause of leprosy prevention and control, and traveled in poor and remote areas such as Yunguichuan for a long time. Today, at the age of 100, she is still fighting in the front line of leprosy prevention and control research, and she is not ending her life. In 2016, Li Huanying won the first "China Leprosy Prevention and Control Lifetime Achievement Award", in the same year, the 95-year-old Li Huanying submitted an application to the party organization. In December 2016, Li Huanying took a solemn oath to become a member of the Communist Party of China.

In the past 20 years, Yin Jianmin has donated more than 24 million yuan for social welfare, and led enterprises to actively help poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. In 2001, she responded to the call of the western development to start a business in the west and set up a natural gas company.

In 2014, the government implemented the industrial poverty alleviation plan, built a modern agricultural science and technology demonstration park and ecological recycling agricultural industrial park covering an area of 1,900 mu, and set up farmer field schools to help farmers become technical experts, so that local farmers can find jobs nearby and embark on the road to prosperity.

In 2018, it helped win the battle against poverty, and put 21,000 breeding sheep into poor households in Dongxiang County and Zhangxian County, which were deeply impoverished areas at that time, driving 8 townships and 6 cooperatives to carry out large-scale breeding. Eight new black fungus planting bases have been built, attracting 350 women to work at their doorsteps.

Up to now, for the establishment of the file card dividends of 8.65 million yuan, land transfer fees of 1.42 million yuan. In order to promote the strategy of rural revitalization, 450 million yuan has been invested in Honggu District to create the "Sixth Industrial Park of modern agriculture" with the cross-integration of the first, second and third industries, and build the ecological system of production and life of agricultural "new six products".

In Zhangxian County, Dingxi City, six new large cherry, black fungus planting bases, put into operation that year is expected to drive more than 1,100 local farmers to increase income.

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