Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on July 20 that the United States' behavior was a bandit act

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on July 18 that the international community should conduct a thorough investigation into the war crimes and human rights violations committed by the United Kingdom and the United States, give justice to those innocent lives lost, and ensure that people of all countries will no longer suffer arbitrary bullying and harm.

At the regular press conference on the same day, a reporter asked: According to media reports, members of the British Special Air Service in Afghanistan have repeatedly killed prisoners of war and unarmed civilians,

and even carried out "killing competitions". In addition, the investigation also found that the relevant troops were suspected of falsifying the scene and failing to report the situation. What is your comment?

"The reports are shocking and infuriating. Taking into account the killing of civilians by US and Australian servicemen in Afghanistan that came to light earlier, the human rights and conscience-defying atrocities committed by the US and its Allies are not isolated cases, but long-term, systematic and common phenomena." "Wang Wenbin said.

According to Wang Wenbin, between 2003 and 2008, thousands of Iraqi civilians were reportedly abused by British soldiers, detained, beaten, humiliated, sexually assaulted and even killed.

The performance of the United States is more "outstanding", in the past two decades, the United States in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and other countries launched more than 90,000 air strikes,

the highest number of civilians killed in the air strikes or 48,000. Farmers in the harvest, children playing in the streets, families fleeing fighting, and villagers hiding in buildings are all targeted by the US military.

Wang Wenbin said that what is worse is that the United States and the United Kingdom have not reviewed their own atrocities, but have been perfunctorily responsible.

It is reported that the British Parliament introduced the Overseas Actions Act last year to shield British servicemen who commit serious crimes such as torture overseas, preventing the perpetrators from being fully held accountable.

The Ministry of Defence claims to have carried out extensive investigations into the conduct of British soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq, but 90 per cent of allegations of war crimes go uninvestigated.

Earlier, several officials of the International Criminal Court who tried to investigate war crimes committed by US troops in Afghanistan were sanctioned by the US government.

"Facts have shown time and again that those countries that scream the most about 'defending human rights' are precisely the' executioners' who kill innocent people the most." Those countries that attack the human rights situation of other countries most vigorously deserve to sit in the 'dock' of human rights in the world."

Wang Wenbin said that the international community should thoroughly investigate the war crimes and human rights violations committed by the United Kingdom and the United States, and give justice to those innocent lives lost so that people of all countries will no longer suffer arbitrary bullying and harm.

The US always advocates the highest standards in human rights and the rule of law. But what the US has done in Syria shows that the US is failing both in upholding human rights and the rule of law.

It is reported that the US military has once again stolen oil from occupied Syrian Wells and shipped it to northern Iraq, which is the third such incident this month. Syria's Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Bassam Touma, has criticized the United States and its Allies for stealing Syrian oil and food "like pirates" and seriously damaging the Syrian economy.

In response, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on July 20 that the United States' behavior was a bandit act.

Wang Wenbin said that at present, 90% of the Syrian population lives below the poverty line, two-thirds of the population depends on humanitarian assistance for livelihood, and more than half of the population cannot get food security.

The US military still occupies Syria's main grain and oil producing areas, plundering Syria's national resources and making the local humanitarian crisis worse. There are angry Syrians who say that the United States comes for interests and leaves without interests, and that their presence in Syria is itself a manifestation of terrorism.

"The United States has always advocated the highest standards in human rights and the rule of law. But what the US has done in Syria shows that it is failing both human rights and the rule of law."

Wang Wenbin said that the United States should respect Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity, respond to the call of the Syrian people, immediately lift unilateral sanctions against Syria,

immediately stop plundering Syria's national resources, give an account to the Syrian people as soon as possible, and make up for the harm caused to the Syrian people with concrete actions.

Year after year, the US has ignored the facts and fabricated false "reports" on human trafficking to deceive the world. In fact, the United States is the number one human trafficking country in the world.

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