The US election is 100 days away, and they are afraid to "tear" it to the end

To this end, the Trump administration was anxious to strongly encourage states to "restart" the economy when the epidemic was not yet under control, leading to a fierce rebound in the epidemic, which attracted a wave of criticism, and many states had to suspend "restart" measures due to the severity of the epidemic.

The Trump team has to adjust its strategy, and the top priority is to first get rid of the label of "ineffective response to the epidemic" and reshape the image of "anti-epidemic leadership".

To this end, Trump wore a mask that he had refused to wear publicly, and resumed hosting a White House briefing on the epidemic after an absence of more than two months. However, even if Trump has temporarily softened his rhetoric on "restarting" the economy,

it is not difficult to see from his small mind to push the school to "resume classes" despite the controversy, or he can't wait for the economy to improve as soon as possible to give the election the greatest boost.

Second, the phenomenon of violence, conflicts and riots is "hard", and the so-called "law and order card" is played to change the passive situation in the past period of time because of the violent law enforcement of the police against black people to stimulate the anti-racial discrimination protests in the United States.

The US election is 100 days away, and they are afraid to "tear" it to the end

On July 24, federal law enforcement officers confronted anti-racial discrimination protesters outside the Mark O 'Hatfield Federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, the largest city on the west coast of the United States.

The violent death of a black man, George Floyd, by a white police officer in Minneapolis in May sparked protests across the United States. Recently, the Trump administration sent federal law enforcement officers to western Portland and other cities on the grounds of quelling riots, once again triggering the fear of violent law enforcement and further intensifying the conflict between the government and the public.

For his part, Biden is mainly exploiting the discontent of the US society over the US government's inadequate response to the COVID-19 pandemic to seek more advantages. Since the epidemic spread in the United States,

Biden actively wore a mask and took the lead in announcing that he would no longer hold offline campaign rallies, which are in contrast to Trump.American politicians are advised not to insult people's intelligence

The article cited a litany of evidence that the US leadership has taken an inconsistent approach to the coronavirus, saying it is trying to divert public attention to cover up the "catastrophic failure" of the response to the pandemic.

The inconsistencies listed in the article are mainly manifested in two aspects: First, in response to the epidemic in the United States, after nearly two months of downplaying it, a few days ago, he suddenly declared that he had foreseen the severity of the disaster.

Of course, these two aspects of American leadership are fully linked. As the commentary read between the lines: The aim was to "blame" China, to excuse its poor response to the epidemic, to save the US stock market and to address social criticism.

But is the American people so easy to fool? In fact, a series of events such as the "intelligence gate" and "stock gate" recently exposed are causing increasing anger among the people.

Intelligence agencies issued repeated classified warnings as early as January and February that the novel coronavirus could lead to a global crisis. However, as late as February 26, the US leader continued to claim in a press conference that the risk to Americans was "very low". He did not officially declare a "state of emergency" until March 13th.

At the same time, the news that some US politicians, including Richard Burr, chairman of the US Senate Intelligence Committee, sold stocks before the US stock market fell sharply also triggered US public opinion.

These politicians sold their stocks in advance, but did not warn the public of the risks, and repeatedly "guaranteed" the US government's epidemic prevention and control. It seems that they have only capital in their eyes, treating the people as puppets and ignoring their life and death.

What is even more damaging to the confidence of the American people is that, despite the lack of testing resources, many political celebrities and celebrities in the United States are prioritized for testing, even if they do not have symptoms. "Maybe that's life," the nation's leaders have responded to the growing unease in American society over the "rich first" pandemic.

At present, the United States has become one of the most severely affected countries in the world. Following New York State and Washington State, California was declared a "major disaster area" on the 22nd. Researchers at Columbia University have warned that if the epidemic is not contained in the United States, it could peak at 500,000 new people a day.

If people had been informed of the risks and measures taken earlier, the current situation in the United States might not have developed so far. However, US politicians, who treat the people as puppets, have not reflected and corrected as soon as possible, but desperately "blame" China to try to divert people's attention.

First, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo repeatedly referred to the new coronavirus as the "Wuhan virus". Then, since mid-March, American leaders have repeatedly used the phrase "Chinese virus." The media also found that the words "coronavirus" in his speech had been manually changed to "Chinese virus."

asking them to stress that "everything is about China" and describing the United States as a "great humanitarian". According to the report, the White House plans to deflect criticism of "inadequate epidemic prevention efforts" by focusing on China's "mistakes."

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