
The world's eyes are glued to the Red Sea, and at the critical moment, the Houthis used a language that the United States could understand and let the United States compromise

The world's eyes are glued to the Red Sea, and at a critical moment, the Houthi armed forces used a language that the United States understood, and finally let the United States reluctantly compromise, and rarely abstained from voting at the United Nations. What exactly did the Houthis do?

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has not yet ended, and the United States and Israel are again in the Red Sea and Yemen's Houthi armed confrontation, the United States is vowing to form a joint force to prevent the Houthis from attacking commercial vessels.

As the world watched the Red Sea and worried about a naval battle, the Houthis issued a warning in a language the United States understood at a critical moment.

According to CCTV news, not long ago, the Houthi armed forces broke the news that the United States tried to communicate with them, but they refused to communicate with Washington, and the United States dialogue made their face, they will continue to sail in the Red Sea and Israel-related ships.

It can be seen that, although the United States put tough words on the surface, Shouting about building a joint army to fight against the Houthi armed forces, in fact, the Biden government is unwilling to exchange fire with the Houthi armed forces, but want to set up a standoff, so as to force the Houthi armed negotiations, the major incident has been reduced to a minor incident, but the Houthi armed forces closed the door to negotiations.

By refusing to communicate with the Biden administration, the Houthis are undoubtedly issuing a strong warning in a language that the United States can understand, reminding the Biden administration to stop being a villain, after all, if it is only a good reason with the United States, it may be useless.

The Houthis have ignored White House requests for dialogue. Realising that a major naval war seemed inevitable, the normally defiant US had to compromise, taking the rare step of abstaining from a UN resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

According to the Observer network, sources said that the UAE has developed a draft resolution, the original draft urged all parties to urgently end hostilities in Gaza, giving the United Nations more control, among other things.

Due to the opposition of the United States, in the past week, members of the United Nations Security Council discussed the contents of the draft, and the vote was delayed and postponed four times.

Fortunately, recently, the Security Council adopted a revised draft resolution with 13 votes in favor and 2 abstentions, which amended the wording of "monitoring aid" and "hostilities" in the original version, requiring the parties to the conflict to cooperate with countries to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza and create favorable conditions for the cessation of hostilities.

Before that, the United States repeatedly used its veto to "abort" UN resolutions on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. However, this rare abstention by the US side, it is precisely because they did not oppose, the resolution can be passed.

Objectively speaking, the United States chose to abstain, of course, in order to appease the Houthi armed forces, hoping that the other side will see the so-called "goodwill" released by Washington, so as to agree to communicate with the United States to avoid the opening of the sea war.

But there are other reasons for the US to make this decision, the draft does not call for a ceasefire, nor does it put too much pressure on Israel, so it does not make any sense for the US to block it.

After all, if the United States uses another veto, the international community will once again see the ruthlessness of the United States, and the United States' indifference to the suffering of civilians in Gaza will turn more countries and people around the world against the United States.

To sum up, if we want to avoid the aggravation of the humanitarian disaster in Gaza and end the "Red Sea crisis" in the first place, the most urgent task is to cease fire!

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