After the red-blue state debate, desantis and Newsom received mixed reviews among young voters

A panel of young voters in California who took part in the local news' "Story" program reacted to the red-blue state debate between California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom and Florida Republican Governor RON desantis on "Hannity" with mixed reviews of the participants.

Fordham University students Andrew McDonald and Parker McGinley, a Democrat and a Republican respectively, told Interviewer j that neither would support desantis.

McGinley said he was leaning toward former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, while McDonnell was leaning toward re-elected President Joe Biden.

McDonnell also dismissed the growing notion that Newsom is running a shadow campaign as a last-minute alternative to Biden, while suggesting desantis' performance was an attempt to gain traction in a primary where former President Trump is leading in the polls.

"I'm watching all the debates, but this one is just as important as all the other Republican debates," he said.

"I don't think either one of them is going to be president in 2025."

Although McDonnell is a Democrat, he is not a fan of Newsom. However, he argued that the governor was clearly trying to drum up support for the "inevitable" 2028 presidential run.

Asked about polls showing that Americans are generally opposed to Biden running for re-election, McDonnell said the survey does show that "rank-and-file Democrats" are ahead of the incumbent in a race against Trump.

Still, he sidestepped Biden's assertion that the MAGA movement is indeed a "threat to democracy," saying that if that were true, the president would see the polls moving against him and immediately drop out of the race, leaving Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro or Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in his place.

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