World famous sex goddess

When director James Cameron, after the global success of Titanic, recruited a female lead for his first TV series, The Last Angel, girls across Hollywood probably couldn't sit still.

More than a thousand young actresses competed for the role, and Alba, who was only 17 at the time, was one of them.

When the auditions for the lead actress narrowed down to 20 or 30 actors, Mr. Cameron went through them, looking for someone he wanted.

He actually wasn't very interested in Alba's audition video at first, "She (Alba) had her head down, read the script... She didn't come off very well, but I loved her attitude when she read the script."

Cameron kept watching the auditions, going back and forth among the 20 or 30 people, but kept coming back to Alba.

At last he decided to see her.

Max, the heroine of this drama, is an ordinary Courier on the surface, but in fact is a genetically modified super soldier, seemingly frail, but in fact full of strength.

The reason why Cameron will always think of Alba, in fact, may be largely because Alba perfectly fits such a powerful female image.

That's why she was cast in the role before the script was even written.

Another producer of "Angel of the Last Days" said, "One of the advantages we had was being able to write the script a little bit further back, and we wrote it specifically for the actress, her rhythm, her emotions, her attitude, her language."

This meant that Alba was more or less herself for the role, and that she spent a year training for the role in martial arts, gymnastics and motorcycle riding.

It is this kind of dedication and coordination that contributed to a role remembered by countless people - Max.

The super soldier, who has been killing everyone in the action science fiction TV series, has captured everyone's hearts since his appearance.

Most of the time, her clothes are simple and smart, and sometimes even all black, but it does not hurt her beauty, and even more cool.

Who doesn't love a strong, attractive, and well-behaved woman?

Don't kill me wearing black leather and riding a motorcycle on the side of the road.

After her breakout role as Max, Alba went on to star in a number of action films, including Susan, the Invisible Woman in the Fantastic Four.

Interestingly, the Black Angel of the Last Days and the Fantastic Four were not only significant to her career, but also changed her love life.

While filming The Black Angel, she began an on-screen romance with her lead actor, Michael Weatherly, who was 12 years her senior.

On Alba's 20th birthday, her boyfriend proposed to her.

However, the three-year relationship did not work out, and in August 2003, the two announced their separation.

But Alba's upcoming role in the Fantastic Four brought her a new relationship with film producer Cash Warren.

This time she finally met the right person, and the two were married in Los Angeles in May 2008. They went on to have three children and are still living happily together.

Start a second career

Unfortunately, her acting career did not fare so well.

After becoming a popular "sexy girl", she did not get lost in such a group craze, and she was very clear that she wanted to build an acting career as an actress, not a sexy symbol, so she constantly sought to break through.

However, due to many reasons, such as the market's positioning of her and the mixed praise of her acting skills, her acting career began to hit a bottleneck, and even became a "box office poison" in some people's eyes.

But instead of standing still, she found a new direction to work on.

In 2008, after giving birth to her first child, Alba broke out in a rash from the detergent she was using to wash the child's clothes.

It was this that gave her the idea of starting a household products company.

She herself had been sickly since childhood, suffering from chronic asthma and allergies, and needed safer, more natural products for her children's sake and for her own.

There are many other people with the same needs as her, so as soon as this company appeared, it was very popular.

Within three years, sales had reached $150 million.

In June 2015, Alba appeared on the cover of Forbes magazine as a rising star on the list of the richest self-made women in the United States.

By this year, Forbes valued the company at $1 billion, estimating that Alba had a 15% to 20% stake worth around $200 million.

I'm a successful businesswoman with no problem!

Now Jessica Alba, although the number of screen appearances is still a little less, but not completely "out of the circle", but walk between the business and Hollywood, but also developed a "comedian" business.

Every time I go to her social media platform, I basically see her working the whole time.

A beautiful woman who likes to be funny.

At the same time, I can't help but sigh that she seems to have not changed at all for more than 20 years, and even more amorous.

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