Typical Mediterranean color combinations

Pure beauty color

Spain's azure coast and white sand beaches

Greek white village under blue sky and sea

Fields of golden sunflowers in southern Italy

Blue purple lavender of southern France

Reddish brown of deserts and rocks of North Africa

Strong color combination of earthy yellow

Due to sufficient light, the saturation of all colors is high, reflecting the most brilliant side of colors.

Third, the lines are sloppy and appear more natural, so whether it is furniture or architecture, it forms a unique rounded shape.

The result of the casual daubing of the white wall also forms a special irregular surface.

Arched romantic space

The Mediterranean style architecture is characterized by arches and semi-arches, horseshoe-shaped doors and Windows.

The circular arches and cloisters in the building are usually connected in several ways or in a vertical connection, which gives an extended sense of perspective when walking and viewing.

In addition, the wall of the home can be used to shape the indoor scene window by half-piercing or full-piercing.

Unique decoration

Mediterranean style decoration techniques have very distinct characteristics.

For example, furniture should be made of wood furniture with low color, simple lines and rounded edges.

The ground is mostly paved with terra-cotta or SLATE. In the room, curtains, doilies, sofa covers, lampshades, etc. are mainly low-chroma tones and cotton fabrics.

A simple pinky plaid pattern is the main style.

The unique wrought iron furniture is also a unique aesthetic product of the Mediterranean style.

At the same time, Mediterranean-style homes should also pay attention to greening, climbing plants and green potted plants are common home plants.

Typical color matching

The Mediterranean style has three typical color combinations according to the region.

Blue and white: This is a typical Mediterranean color combination.

The coast of Spain and Morocco extends to Greece on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

The white villages of Greece are joined by sandy beaches, blue sea and blue sky.

Earthen yellow and reddish brown: This is the natural landscape color of desert, rock, mud, sand, etc., which is unique to North Africa, supplemented by the deep red and indigo of North African native plants, plus brass, bringing a sense of earthlike vastness.

Yellow, blue-violet and green: the sunflower fields in southern Italy and the lavender fields in southern France, the golden and blue-violet flowers are set against the green leaves, forming a unique color combination with emotional appeal, which is very natural.

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