Middle-aged people who are keen on technological innovation

After introducing so many of Yi Huiman's "great achievements", you may also want to know what kind of person he is, which we can only infer through the evaluation of others and his own words and deeds.

Yi will full of fellow villagers introduced: "He has no background, completely rely on their own efforts, it is not simple." What's more, he has no official AIRS and is easy going."

Yi Huiman classmate introduced: "Yi Huiman was the class life committee, the biggest advantage is love to help people, as long as the class who has difficulties, he will help."

According to ICBC insiders, Mr Yi comes across as a quick learner, pragmatic and low-key doer.

A central bank official commented: "The selection of the chairman of the state-owned big bank is usually taken over by the central bank or other vice-ministerial level units, which shows the ability of Yi Hui to be full."

A financial journalist who has been in the banking industry for many years commented: "Yi Huiman is a leader with a strong memory and a relatively easygoing person. He has been the president of ICBC Jiangsu Branch at the age of 35. He is wise and young." In his impression, Yi Huiman was always concise and straight to the point when answering reporters' questions, showing a kind of resolute and intelligent temperament.

In addition, judging from the words and deeds of Yi Huiman as the head of ICBC in recent years, he attaches great importance to the use of financial technology to transform traditional banks. At the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China's 2018 interim results conference, Yi Huiman said that ICBC will next upgrade "e-ICBC3.0" and focus on doing three things.

These three things are related to financial technology, the first is to use Internet thinking to transform products, the second is to create a new generation of information systems (ECOS), the third is to focus on the use of cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of things and other "seven innovation LABS" results.

With the efforts of Yi Huiman in recent years, ICBC has been at the forefront of the industry in the field of financial technology. Data show that as of the end of June 2018, ICBC's Internet finance customers have reached 300 million, with a transaction volume of 340 trillion yuan, accounting for 98% of the total transaction volume of the bank, and offline transactions accounted for only 2%.

Looking at the first half of Yi Huiman's life, we will find that this big man is not simple, he has created a lot of miracles in the first half of his life, and he may create more miracles in the second half of his life!

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