What are the benefits of persimmon

  1. High vitamin C content

To say that its biggest nutritional advantage is really not that we think that the golden color of persimmon will be more carotene, but vitamin C. A large crispy persimmon, about 200 grams a day, can meet 60% of the daily requirement of vitamin C (healthy adults recommended daily intake of vitamin C 100 mg), is 10 times the vitamin C content of apples.

Compared with the citrus family fruits with high vitamin C content, it is not inferior (persimmon 30 mg /100 grams), such as oranges 33 mg /100 grams, and satsuma 19 mg /100 grams.

  1. Carotene is good

At 120 micrograms per 100 grams, persimmon contains less carotene than mango, but about the same as orange. Like persimmon, the carotene content is increased by more than two times, which is equivalent to dehydration of persimmon, and the nutrients inside are concentrated.

Beta-carotene, which is rich in beta-carotene, can be converted into vitamin A in the body and has a very important role in the eyes and skin.

  1. Contains pectin such water-soluble dietary fiber, which helps to moisten the bowel

  2. Medium heat, comparable to lychee and pomegranate

However, persimmon can be as high as 255 kcal per 100 grams, which is higher than steamed bread (236 kcal /100 grams). Therefore, it is important to note that people who lose weight or control blood sugar should pay attention to eat less.

Q: Is the frost on the persimmon a preservative?

A: It's usually frosting that occurs naturally during the making process.

Persimmon is often processed into persimmon because it is not durable, inconvenient to store and transport, and has a short shelf life. To make persimmon, you must first peel it. After peeling, the water inside the fruit, mixed with sugar, seeps to the surface. As the water evaporates during the drying process, the sugar of the persimmon gradually crystallizes and slowly accumulates to the surface, and finally precipitates sugar such as glucose and fructose. The result is a persimmon with "white frost".

Therefore, the white frost on the persimmon cake is not a preservative, but the natural frosting formed in the production process of persimmon cake, which is harmless to the human body and can be safely eaten. Of course, we should be wary of some bad businesses in order to improve the appearance of persimmon, and artificially sprinkle flour, starch and other substances on persimmon.

This good identification, after the "artificial whitening" persimmon, looks more uniform white, with the hand gently shake, the white powder will fall, is false. And its taste is not as sweet as the original persimmon.

Pay attention to the following three points, rest assured to eat persimmon

  1. Do not eat raw persimmon, do not eat persimmon peel, choose fully mature persimmon peel to eat or choose sweet persimmon, persimmon cake. If the purchased persimmon is astringent, you can put persimmon with bananas and apples, put it in a plastic bag and tie the mouth tightly or put it directly in a foam box, which can be very astringent.

  2. The elderly and children with poor gastrointestinal function, and those who have gastroesophageal reflux and distention themselves, it is best not to eat on an empty stomach.

  3. Don't eat too many persimmons. Data show that healthy adults eat two persimmons a day (400-500 grams) will not cause stomach stones, children can taste. However, the situation varies from person to person, mainly depending on their gastrointestinal feeling. If you eat persimmon stomach discomfort, indicating that the stomach is more delicate, do not eat too reluctantly.

To sum up the knowledge point: eating persimmon on an empty stomach is easy to grow stones, and can not be generalized.

The formation of stomach stones, the more critical factor is that the stomach power is not enough and eat too much at one time or a few days to eat persimmon containing high tannic acid. As long as the gastrointestinal function is normal, adults, pregnant women, anemia people, can eat persimmon; It's okay for adults to eat one or two a day.

Persimmon, concentrated is the essence, can be eaten in half, see the "white frost" is naturally formed frosting, rest assured to eat.

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