The chestnuts pushed out stomach bleeding

While watching the drama while eating sugar fried chestnuts, imperceptibly under a catty belly, an hour later suddenly abdominal pain unbearable, was sent to the hospital after the family was found to have stomach bleeding, was ordered by the doctor to fast for three days.

Chestnut is a high-starch food, after the stomach will be quickly fermented in the gastrointestinal tract gas production, eating more is very easy to flatulence, especially raw chestnut and sugar fried chestnuts.

Chestnuts were originally high in sugar, and then stir-fried with sugar, too much sugar will stimulate the secretion of stomach acid and increase flatulence.

Cold: Stomach, duodenal ulcer has seasonal onset, autumn and winter and winter and spring alternations are high incidence period, cold winter especially pay attention to stomach.

Stomach pain, abdominal discomfort, and reduced digestive ability can cause or aggravate stomach upset symptoms when eating cold or raw foods.

Countermeasures: Pay attention to prevent the occurrence of peptic ulcer in cold season, there are symptoms of upper abdominal pain, upper abdominal discomfort, hunger pain, night pain and so on, and go to the hospital in time.

Late: do not eat on time, stomach acid is not neutralized by food in time, and high acid state is easy to lead to peptic ulcer.

It takes about two hours for food to empty from the stomach and enter the small intestine for digestion, and the gastrointestinal tract has no time to digest after eating, which will lead to digestive abnormalities.

Countermeasure: Sleep two hours after dinner, three meals a day should also be regular, which will form a fixed digestive fluid secretion peak.

Too much: eating too much will lead to increased secretion of gastric acid, pancreatic juice, bile and other digestive juices, exceeding the secretion capacity, which may lead to relative stenosis and obstruction of the bile duct and pancreatic duct, resulting in digestive disorders.

Countermeasures: Eat less sweets, chocolate and other more difficult to digest food, eat until seventy or eighty percent full.

Less: The car needs oil to run, and the body needs energy to run properly.

Dinner to eat less is not not to eat, otherwise the gastric acid secreted by the stomach has no food to digest, damage the esophagus, gastrointestinal mucosa (deep damage can form ulcers).

Countermeasure: Dinner should eat light, choose more vegetables and fruits.

Sit: Exercise helps the gastrointestinal peristalsis, can help digestion.

Just after eating a meal is not suitable for burying oneself in work, because the digestion of the stomach needs to have enough blood protection, such as working after eating a meal, blood supply to the brain, the stomach can not get the circulation of blood required for digestion, which affects digestion very much.

Countermeasure: Within two hours after eating, it is recommended to take a walk, but do not advocate playing basketball, table tennis such vigorous sports.

Patience: Now a lot of people have stomach problems, stomach pain, take some medicine to endure. This may cause a minor illness to develop into a serious one.

An upset stomach is your body's alarm, so see a doctor.

Countermeasures: Take medicine for 1 to 2 weeks are not good, you need to see a doctor in time, even if less than two weeks, after taking medicine does not take effect, you also need to see a doctor.

People over the age of 40 should be wary of stomach cancer.

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