The most overlooked bad habits that harm your child's vision

Everyone knows the importance of protecting eyesight. In order to prevent myopia, many parents will limit their children's time to play mobile phones and watch TV, and will also keep an eye on their children's sitting posture when doing homework. But is that enough?

The incidence of myopia among urban students aged 6 to 18 has soared from less than 10 percent to 80 percent.

In the next few decades, eye complications caused by myopia will become the first cause of vision impairment and blindness.

Protecting your eyesight involves more than just cutting down on your phone and electronics.

Some small habits that are easy to fool in daily life can also damage eyesight! The first of these visual damage habits may have many people did not think of!

  1. Sweet tooth

Many children like to eat sweets, but eating sweets can promote the occurrence and development of myopia.

Because sweet food intake will consume a lot of vitamin B, affect the normal metabolism of the retina, but also reduce the blood calcium content, affect the development of the eye wall, and change the osmotic pressure of the crystal.

Taken together, it is a bad effect on vision.

  1. Bad sunglasses

Children's eyes are delicate and easily damaged by strong light, in this sense, children need to wear sunglasses.

However, it should be noted that children under the age of 6 are not suitable for wearing sunglasses for a long time, because their visual function development has not reached the adult level, and wearing sunglasses for a long time may form amblyopia.

The correct method is: put on the child when the sun is strong, and remove it in time when the sun is weak or indoors.

The current children's sunglasses market is mixed, if we buy sunglasses there are quality problems, not only to induce children myopia, but also may cause other diseases.

Therefore, be sure to choose children's sunglasses from regular manufacturers.

To block UV rays, you can also use a sun hat or umbrella instead of sunglasses.

  1. Nutritional imbalance

The development of the eyeball, like the development of the child's body, requires balanced nutrition.

Take vitamin A or carotene, can prevent dry eyes discomfort, can also avoid night blindness and dry eyes.

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