Can these methods help children improve their vision

Can vision training improve vision

In fact, myopia cannot be cured or reversed. Therefore, products that claim to be able to cure myopia, such as the use of "magic medicine" and "magical instruments" to massage, smear, atomize, apply, etc., to the eye, can help children improve vision and easily remove glasses... Parents should be careful.

Parents pay more and more attention to their children's myopia, and their anxiety about the deepening of their children's myopia may lead to the consequences of spending money but not reaching the goal of myopia prevention and control.

Some vision health care places advertise that children's vision can be improved and myopia can be treated through self-developed vision training methods.

Some parents will also find that after a period of training, their children's eyesight checked in the field has "indeed" improved.

However, through visual function training, the actual degree of myopia will not be reduced.

Parents who have a certain knowledge of science popularization will find it strange.

We uncover the "eye training" scam together.


Vision is like our height, although basically stable, it can still be slightly different in different time periods, such as the change of a line of eye chart, it is difficult to tell whether it is a normal vision change.


Eye tests require a standard light environment and distance. The inspection environment in some places is likely to be deliberately substandard, and there will be a learning process for children to recognize the eye chart, especially for young children, with the familiarity of the eye chart, the results of the eye test may also change.


There is a visual function training on the market that can indeed achieve the purpose of "improving naked eye vision". But the way it improves naked vision is by changing the brain's ability to perceive blur.

The brain has considerable plasticity for fuzzy cognition, in visual training, the brain constantly through the fuzzy adaptation to this tune, the same refractive error can show better recognition ability.

The essence of improved naked eye vision is that the brain ADAPTS to the feeling of blurred vision through continuous adjustment.

In order for the eyes to adapt to this blurred state in the long term, then your eyes and brain need to constantly adjust, such a long-term state of relaxation may eventually lead to the deepening of myopia faster.

Can massage, diet conditioning reverse myopia

Some propaganda mentions using massage instead of wearing glasses, reversing myopia through supplements, etc., are wrong.

Propaganda mentioned that through dietary supplements can reverse myopia, such as wolfberry water, fish eyes, pig liver, cod liver oil and other foods rich in vitamin A (also known as retinol), participate in the synthesis of rhodopsin, enhance the retinal photosensitivity.

Although proper supplementation of vitamin A is beneficial to the eyes, excessive intake may cause A toxic reaction to vitamin A.

Therefore, normal people can eat a balanced diet, do not need excessive intake, and there is no effect on the treatment of myopia.

Some nutrients can protect your eyesight.

For example, vitamin D is a common trace element in daily life, and appropriate supplementation of vitamin D can help reduce the sensitivity of the eyes to the outside world and help the elderly prevent macular lesions in the fundus; Another example is lutein, the main pigment present in the macula area of the retina, which helps the retina resist ultraviolet light and helps protect vision.

Therefore, usually can give children more supplements rich in vitamin D and lutein foods, such as sea fish, animal liver, egg yolk, corn, etc., but it is also recommended to combine the actual condition of the body, a balanced diet can be, it is not recommended to over-supplement, because they do not have a therapeutic effect on myopia.

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