Improper use of voice can easily lead to voice diseases

A beautiful voice always gives people a sense of pleasure, and with the development of society, people have higher and higher requirements for the voice, and the process of pursuing a beautiful voice is compared to "voice beauty".

On the eve of World Voice Day, experts pointed out that inflammation is the most important problem for children to protect their voice, and acute laryngitis and chronic laryngitis can cause a certain degree of vocal disorders. Especially common chronic laryngitis and vocal cord polyps, are due to infection, improper use of voice, poor eating habits, smoking and environmental pollution and other damage factors continue to cause.

Some children lose their temper easily and like to shout loudly, and experts warn that some hemorrhagic polyps are closely related to Shouting.

Therefore, to protect the voice from the child's daily life and eating habits, try to reduce the intake of spicy, greasy food and strongly acidic food, try to avoid drinking strong tea, coffee and other drinks, do not eat 3 hours before going to bed, do not speak loudly, shout, quarrel, temper, simulate strange voice or talk in a whisper for a long time, and do not talk for too long.

Parents and teachers should become the guidance and demonstration of children's good language habits, guide children to train in accordance with the "3 principles" of correct voice use, and do a good job of daily voice health care.

Improper use of voice is easy to cause voice disease, voice medicine teaches you scientific voice protection

Voice medicine is a scientific study of voice function under physiological and pathological conditions, and discusses the etiology, pathogenesis, treatment and prevention of voice disorders, involving normal voice, pathological voice and artistic voice. A beautiful voice can bring pleasure to the speaker, which requires scientific care of the voice.

Common voice diseases such as acute, chronic laryngitis and other inflammation; Vocal nodules and vocal polyps; Vocal cord organic lesions, including vocal cord cysts, vocal cord leukoplakia and malignant tumors.

An important factor causing chronic laryngitis is laryngeal reflux, that is, the reflux of stomach contents to the throat. Acidic substances in the stomach mixed with protease will cause damage to the throat mucosa, causing congestion, hyperplasia and swelling of the throat mucosa, contact granuloma, Renke space edema, vocal cord leukoplakia and even malignant tumors. The treatment of this disease requires the application of appropriate drugs to the cause.

Many people like to drink strong tea and coffee to refresh themselves. In order to change and protect her voice, Qu said: 'You should pay attention to changing your diet, minimize the intake of spicy, greasy food and strongly acidic food, avoid drinking strong tea, coffee, cola and other drinks, and do not eat three hours before going to bed.'

In addition, excessive use or improper use of voice can lead to the corresponding strain of voice diseases, most typically vocal nodules and vocal polyps.

For small vocal polyps, it is usually recommended to stop vocal observation and perform vocal training under the guidance of a physician, while for larger vocal polyps and those that fail to respond to conservative treatment for 2 months, surgical resection is recommended.

Children Shouting is easy to hurt the "voice", parents should protect their children's voice health

In daily life, we often hear the children's clear voice often praise the voice of nature, more and more parents also like to send their children to learn singing, but not everyone knows how to scientifically protect the health of the child's voice.

Some children are easy to lose their temper and shout when they are angry, while some parents are indulgent and even explain that their children have more personality and shout loudly only when they are angry. Some haemorrhagic polyps are closely related to Shouting, and may appear as hoarseness or sudden intensification of hoarseness, decreased loudness of the voice, and sometimes a breathy sound.

The fetus basically completes most of the anatomical structure growth of the larynx in the third month, the development of the larynx is more significant in the first 3 years after birth, and the change is less after the age of 6, and the significant development stage is entered at the age of 14 to 16, which also forms the voice change period of the child's voice to the adult voice, "girls' voice change age is 10 to 18 years old, and also starts at 8 to 15 years old and ends at 12 to 16.5 years old; The average age of voice change for boys is 11 to 15 years old."

So, what should parents pay attention to in order to avoid causing harm to the child's voice?

There are five reasons for the damage to the child's voice, overuse of the voice, such as too high, too long, too loud, too bright; The way to use noise is wrong, overcrowding, power is used in the wrong place; Diseases of the respiratory system, ear, nose and throat, gastrointestinal system, endocrine system, and nervous system will all be reflected in voice diseases.

In addition, the child's personality, mood and voice are also closely related; Diet, climate, air pollution, ambient noise, and stress are also factors that affect voice.

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