Not sleeping well, not sleeping well

Getting enough sleep can give us many positive feedback, but sleep deprivation is also like a butterfly flapping its wings, and the extent of its storm is still difficult to fully measure.

It is known that less sleep will make people eat more, lack of sleep will cause the body's leptin secretion decreased, ghrelin secretion increased, the later you stay up, the more delicious you eat!

Think about it, how many late-night snacks have I eaten while swiping my phone?

Not surprisingly, a lack of sleep would be more strongly linked to a larger waistline, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and stroke.

In addition, a loss of three hours of sleep a day in adults is enough to reduce the function of important immune cells, and less than seven to eight hours of sleep for three consecutive nights can reduce immune system function in half.

Other studies have found that lack of sleep significantly increases inflammation in cells and tissues, causing damage to the cardiovascular system and ultimately leading to heart disease.

Sleeping less than 6 hours a day is a potential risk factor for high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, pulmonary embolism, and chronic ischemic heart disease.

Even scarier, the results of the study showed that those who never napped had a 60 percent increased risk of cancer compared to those who napped for more than an hour.

Those who slept less than six hours a night had a 41 percent increased risk.

This level of sleep deprivation for a week was associated with changes in the function of 711 genes involved in metabolism, inflammation, immunity and stress resistance.

Sometimes, the bad effects of sleep deprivation can be externalized.

Do you feel like nothing goes well when you don't sleep well?

One study found that if a person stays awake for about 17 hours, his mental state is equivalent to drinking alcohol to 0.05% of his blood alcohol content.

This will undoubtedly affect the body's judgment, which can lead to errors and distraction at work, and there is solid evidence that even 16 minutes less sleep can interfere with the next day's work concentration!

A person who does not sleep enough will become dysfunctional, and what will happen to a society that does not sleep enough?

In addition to reduced productivity, the visual, hearing, touch, taste and smell paralysis caused by lack of sleep can make people more indifferent to others and more self-centered.

Studies have found that sleep deprivation can lead people to be socially negative and thus become more isolated, and people are less willing to help others.

In short, e people can become i people!

There are so many disadvantages, even the sleep-deprived mosquito will no longer bite people but immediately catch up on sleep, you know what to do?

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