6 tips for good baby teeth

In order to have good teeth, it is necessary to let the baby pay attention to oral hygiene from childhood, and the earlier the better.

How can parents take care of their baby's oral hygiene?

Tip # 1:

Avoid sleeping with a bottle.

It is best not to feed your baby sweet drinks such as juice during infancy, and don't let him fall asleep with a pacifier (or nipple), otherwise it will lead to bacterial growth in the mouth during sleep.

Dipping a pacifier in honey or sugar to comfort your baby will also increase the chance of harmful bacteria growing in their gums and teeth, which can easily lead to tooth decay.

Tip # 2:

Do not "clean" a pacifier or spoon with your mouth.

Many parents love to "clean" their baby's pacifier or spoon with their mouth, and they also love to taste the temperature before feeding their baby.

These practices are easy to pass adult oral bacteria to the baby. The best thing to do is to rinse the pacifier or spoon with water and taste the temperature of your baby's food with another spoon.

Tip # 3:

Clean your gums after eating milk.

From birth to 4 months of age, it is best to clean your baby's gums with a clean wet gauze or towel after feeding.

This helps to clean the remaining food in the mouth and keep the gums and teeth healthy later on.

Tip # 4:

You should start brushing your teeth as soon as they start.

After your baby teething, you should use a baby toothbrush with water or fluoride-free toothpaste to brush your baby's teeth.

Before the age of 6, many children have not fully mastered the brushing technique and can not brush their teeth correctly and thoroughly.

During this period, parents should help their children brush their teeth, first teach their children to brush again, and then personally brush him again, and cultivate their children's good dental habits.

Tip # 5:

Watch the sugar content of baby food.

After 6 months, the baby has begun to eat complementary foods, and it is necessary to pay attention to the content of natural sugar and added sugar in baby food.

Sugar will increase the acidity of the baby's mouth, and it is easy to make the mouth become a breeding ground for bacteria.

Tip # 6:

He started seeing a dentist at the age of one.

After 12 months, plan to take your baby to the dentist.

Regular dental check-ups are crucial to ensure your baby's oral health, and parents should carefully listen to the dentist's advice on dental care.

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