Differentiation and treatment of heartache in traditional Chinese medicine

  1. Chilling heart pulse

[Symptom] Sudden heartache such as twisted, cold shape, cold weather or cold wind, heartache is easy to do or intensify, even warm hands and feet, cold sweat, shortness of breath palpitation, heart pain, back pain.

[Treatment] Dispelling cold and promoting blood circulation, promoting spleen and promoting Yang.

  1. Fire evil heat formation

Symptoms: Heart burning pain, dry mouth, irritability, coarse breath, thick phlegm, or fever, stool obstruction.

[Treatment] Clearing heat and expelling fire, dispersing knot and promoting blood circulation.

  1. Holding your mind

[Symptom] The heart is full of boredom, dull pain bursts, pain is not fixed, when you want to breathe, when the feelings are not smooth, it is induced, aggravated, or can have abdominal distension, belching, yanqi and other diseases.

[Treatment] Thinning and regulating qi mechanism, regulating spleen and blood.

  1. Phlegm turbid blockage

[Symptom] can be divided into different syndromes, manifestations are different.

[Treatment] Warm Huatan drink, or eliminating phlegm and clearing heat, or eliminating fire and phlegm, or eliminating wind and phlegm and other methods, with Xuanbi Tongyang.

  1. Blockage by blood stasis

[Symptom] Chest pain is more dramatic, such as stabbing such as strangulation, pain has a fixed place, accompanied by chest tightness, not healed for a long time, or can be caused by anger and chest pain.

[Treatment] Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, promoting pulse and relieving pain.

  1. Insufficient heart Qi

[Symptoms] Chest bursts of dull pain, chest shortness of breath, movement is wheezing, palpitations and panic, fatigue and weakness, or lazy speech, white face, or easy to sweat.

[Treatment] Nourishing heart Qi and invigorating chest Yang.

  1. Insufficient heart Yin

Symptoms: Chest pain, or burning pain, or combined with chest tightness, palpitation, palpitation, dizziness, night sweats, dry mouth, uncomfortable stool, or a red face.

[Treatment] Nourishing Yin and nourishing heart, promoting blood circulation and clearing heat.

  1. Heart Yang deficiency

Symptoms: heart throbbing and painful, chest tightness, tiredness and fear of cold, cold will aggravate heartache, shortness of breath, movement is even worse, limbs are not warm, spontaneous sweating.

[Treatment method] It is advisable to supplement Yang Qi and warm Xinyang.

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