10 Habits for a Healthier Heart

Improving diet and exercising are recognized as effective ways to care for your heart. But more and more research shows that there are many small ways to protect your heart health besides eating and moving.

  1. Hug.

Research shows that snuggling with a loved one releases oxytocin, a hormone that helps lower blood pressure and release stress.

  1. Laugh.

Laughter stimulates blood vessels to dilate by up to 22 percent, which increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure.

  1. Eat chocolate.

Cocoa beans are rich in antioxidants, which can strengthen the immune system and help the body defend against foreign damage.

  1. Get a pet.

The data shows that pet owners have relatively lower blood pressure and a lower risk of heart disease than non-pet owners.

This may be because pet owners exercise more than non-pet owners.

  1. Eat one vegetarian day a week.

Eating less meat is one of the important measures to protect the heart, research shows that a moderate vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of heart disease by 32%, it is recommended to eat vegetarian at least one day a week.

  1. Stand.

Whether at work or at rest, we spend most of the day sitting, which can increase the risk of heart disease to some extent.

Getting up, taking a walk around the office, chatting with a colleague, or taking a walk around the neighborhood every few hours can improve heart health.

  1. Get the right amount of sleep.

You need to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

Studies have shown that sleeping too little can increase the risk of heart disease by 48 percent, while sleeping too much can increase the risk by 38 percent.

  1. Caffeine.

Drinking one to three cups of black coffee a day helps stabilize your heart rate.

  1. Stay away from noisy roads.

Studies show that for every 10 decibels of noise you're exposed to on the highway, your risk of heart disease goes up by 12 percent.

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