What are the causes of rhinitis in children

Spring warms up, everything revives. With the slow wind, fluttering catkins, and to the annual...... In the season of rhinitis, rhinitis is really a very annoying condition.

Going out, the child looked at the eyes full of spring tears, you think he was moved by the vigorous vitality, he turned his head and said: "Mom, I rhinitis again."

Rhinitis for each of us, is not very strange, but for the cause of rhinitis but know little, and for the cause of children rhinitis is nothing. Rhinitis is common, but its harm to children is not small, can not be ignored.

Some rhinitis patients even become sinusitis patients, parents should understand the cause of this disease, so as to effectively prevent or treat their children. So what are the causes of rhinitis in children?

1, climate change: when the climate change is large, whether it is sudden cooling sudden heat are easy to stimulate the nasal mucosa and cause rhinitis.

In autumn and winter or during the cold epidemic, wear masks when going out, avoid public gatherings, go to public places as little as possible, do a good job of isolation of patients, and use white vinegar fumigation for air disinfection in polluted indoor areas.

2, environmental factors: especially since the industrial revolution in the 19th century, the human living environment has changed dramatically, atmospheric pollution is seriously exceeded, and harmful substances in the air directly stimulate the nasal mucosa and become the leading factor causing the high incidence of rhinitis (30%-40%). In this environment, it is best not to go out or to wear a good anti-haze mask when going out.

3, lack of exercise, poor resistance: today's children are more carefully cared for, lack of exercise, like plants growing in a greenhouse environment, can not withstand a little wind and cold attack. Its own resistance is poor, it is easy to catch a cold, and the nasal mucosa is also easy to be stimulated.

Usually to participate in physical exercise, enhance resistance, such as morning running, swimming, cold bath, cold water face, etc., can enhance physical fitness, improve the body's tolerance to cold. But the process should be gradual, to avoid a second cold.

On the way to fight rhinitis, we refuse to walk with misunderstandings.

Misunderstanding 1, rhinitis is a small matter: "Anyway, it can not be cured, then take medicine when the disease, the past will forget..."

The "one more time" of rhinitis is not a good thing. Due to nasal congestion, children often breathe with their mouths, or rub their noses and blow their noses repeatedly, which can lead to maxillary dysplasia and facial deformation.

Rhinitis caused by headache, excessive cough easily cause vomiting, long-term illness can also cause memory loss, intelligence decline.

In addition, rhinitis has many more serious complications, perennial rhinitis is easy to cause nasal polyps, chronic pharyngitis, heart disease and other diseases, nasal inflammation has not been cured for a long time, and the risk of nasal tumors. For children, the most common is allergic rhinitis combined with asthma symptoms.

80% of children with asthma also have allergic rhinitis, and in contrast, 20% to 40% of patients with allergic rhinitis also have asthma. Nasal symptoms greatly affect the treatment of asthma, but these are often ignored by patients and their families. 1 in 250 deaths are caused by asthma, if asthma is treated with rhinitis, These deaths are entirely preventable.

So rhinitis is much more than what you might think of as "stuffy, runny nose."

Mistake 2, over-reliance on drugs and nose drops: "Use nose drops when you get sick, as long as the nose is smooth!"

Commonly used nasal drops are mainly divided into three types: ephedrine vasoconstrictor, which can eliminate nasal mucosal congestion and swelling in a short period of time, and is regarded as "God medicine" by parents; Hormone nasal drops, which can be anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-edema; Nasal mucosal lubricant promotes mucosal lubrication and keeps nasal passages moist.

However, long-term drug contraction of nasal mucosal blood vessels will lead to systolic and diastolic dysfunction, resulting in mucosal hyperplasia, causing drug-induced rhinitis, nasal congestion "rebound". If used for a long time, it will also develop drug resistance and dependence.

Misconception 3, allergens = pollen, dust mites, fur: "Go out to wear a mask, less to the place with animals, pollen, rhinitis will not be aggravated?"

The common allergens of rhinitis are the ones we all know: pollen, dust mites, fur, air pollution, etc. However, these are inhaled allergens, and the changes in the child's digestive tract and food intake are often ignored by parents.

The long-term intake of allergic food will aggravate the child's rhinitis symptoms and seriously affect the child's growth and development. Perhaps the "mask line" that you have carefully constructed for your children has been destroyed by eggs, fish and steamed bread on the dinner table; The problem is, we often don't realize that our children have chronic allergies to these foods, and we continue to feed them.

Warm tips: there are many reasons for rhinitis, do not use drugs, under the guidance of the doctor, find out their own rhinitis type, with the doctor's medication, but also need to exercise more to enhance their resistance, usually pay attention to keep warm to prevent colds, eat less spicy stimulation and raw and cold food, develop not to air conditioning and other good habits.

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