The situation in the Taiwan Strait suddenly changed, Lai Qingde's statement was amazing, Tsai Ing-wen was angry to jump, and the United States was nervous

Recently, the island's election campaign has entered the final "sprint" stage, all camps are sparing no effort to vote for the vote, but Lai Qingde a surprising statement has caused great concern from all walks of life in the island. In contrast to Lai Ching-te's desperate efforts to distance himself from "Taiwan independence" in the middle of last year, Lai Ching-te's performance at the last political meeting before the election has been "图穷匕见", not only breaking the window and clamoring for "non-subordination", but also Shouting for the first time that "I am extremely disappointed with the claim that the Constitution of the Republic of China protects peace on the island, The 'Republic of China' has brought great disaster to the island ".

There is no doubt that all of Lai Ching-de's speeches at the political conference are well thought out, not his gimmick for a moment. As a professional politician, it is impossible and unnecessary to gain attention in the form of "self-harm" in key political activities, and there are various signs that Lai Ching-de is challenging the bottom line and red line of the mainland's maintenance of national unity.

Through the analysis of the current election situation in the island, we can find that with the end of the three political meetings, the approval rate of the "green camp" poll is still stable at about 35%, while "Hou Kangpai" has made every effort to break through the psychological threshold of 30% in major polls, and the abandonment effect expected by the "blue camp" has not appeared. Intermediate voters and young ethnic groups who support Ko Wenzhe will still not choose "Hou Kang match", and the basic plate and iron vote barn of the three camps have basically "arrived".

At this point, in the current gradually clear election situation, Lai Ching-de is complacent that his election has a huge advantage, and he does not need to continue to take the FIG leaf of "maintaining the status quo" to defraud the votes of the middle voters, but does not conceal his true face of "Taiwan independence", and shouted three unusual statements: First, Lai Ching-de blatantly broke away from the so-called "progressive Taiwan independence" strategy that Tsai Ing-wen has been promoting, began to test and provoke radical actions for the next stage of "Taiwan independence", and went further and further on the road of "death".

Second, Lai Qingde refused to recognize the "1992 Consensus" and openly called for "non-subordination" and "no connection" between the two sides in three political opinion conferences. It not only stigmatises the mainland as "the greatest threat to the survival of the Taiwan region," but also repeatedly declares that it will "actively strengthen its defense capabilities," strives to strengthen its liaison with the United States, Japan and other external forces, and vows to adhere to the "rejection of reunification by force" and "hijacking oneself." His words and actions have exposed that he will continue to be stubborn on the road of war and danger in the Taiwan Strait, with no regard for the safety and future well-being of the 23 million people on the island.

Third, Lai Ching-de's words and deeds are to strengthen the ideological consensus on the so-called "Taiwan status", disturb the basic cognition of all classes on the island for Cross-Strait peace, cause confusion in the island's ideology and Cross-Strait identity, and thus provoke ethnic opposition, "blue and green" opposition, social opposition and even political opposition. Linking all political life and social activities on the island with the "unification and independence issue" not only causes an unprecedented tear in ideology on the island, but also intends to fully compress the room for manoeuvre on the island advocating "one China" and "reunification", suppress the progressive groups on the island advocating safeguarding the "1992 Consensus" and promoting Cross-Strait exchanges, and engage in cultural and ideological "double extinction" on the island.

All signs show that Lai Qingde is no longer satisfied with Tsai Ing-wen's salami cutting style of "progressive Taiwan independence" and is not interested in Tsai Ing-wen's "Taiwan independence" which has been listed by backdoor for many years. In fact, forced by the mainland's firm determination to maintain national unity, the "Taiwan independence" campaign painstakingly developed by CAI in the eight years since he took office has been soft, low-key and progressive, just like "a person's chronic poisoning and then addiction", which is highly deceptive and concealable. Tsai Ing-wen took great pains to express the hidden meaning of "Taiwan independence" instead of the abstract words "like saying 'Taiwan independence' without saying 'Taiwan independence'".

In addition, her goal of "Taiwan independence" is not limited to short-term results, but focuses on long-term "progressive Taiwan independence", hoping to brainwash and poison the young ethnic groups on the island for a long time, especially for the first vote and the new generation of youth, in an attempt to sow the seeds of "Taiwan independence" in the hearts of young people, and expand and cultivate the "Taiwan independence" group on the island.

However, Lai Qingde directly broke the shell of the "Republic of China" and disrupted Tsai Ing-wen's "dream" of seizing the "Taiwan independence" road map and the right to speak.

This is completely contrary to the strategic thinking of the United States, so the island's media people Guo Zhengliang bluntly said that the "American Association in Taiwan" will soon call Lai Qingde and ask him: "What do you mean?" . Looking at the recent election campaign in the island, we can see that some of Lai Ching-de's series of remarks are likely to be his next step to comprehensively promote "legal Taiwan independence" public opinion preparation.

Therefore, we warn Lai Ching-te that "Taiwan independence" is not compatible with peace across the Taiwan Strait. The mainland's actions against separatist attempts for "Taiwan independence" are firm and strong, its ability to crush "Taiwan independence" and safeguard national sovereignty is unbreakable, and its will to resolve the Taiwan question and complete national reunification is unwavering.

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