Shouguang: Fine and intelligent to help the high-quality development of agriculture

In rural areas, such refinement is not only reflected in grass-roots governance, but also in agricultural production. Refined and intelligent agricultural production is an important way to help high-quality agricultural development and promote rural revitalization. Refined agriculture can be closer to and meet the market demand for high-quality and diverse agricultural products.

Shouguang City in Weifang, Shandong Province is the largest vegetable production base in China and the largest vegetable distribution center in the country. Shouguang vegetable planting experience, advanced management technology, variety, excellent quality. Shouguang vegetables are not only sold to more than 200 large and medium-sized cities in more than 30 provinces, regions and cities across the country, but also to overseas, exported to Russia, South Korea, Japan and other more than 30 countries and regions. Take a look at how Shandong Shouguang achieves the refinement of the vegetable industry ↓↓

Now is the greenhouse tomato picking season, into the paddy town of Shouguang City Cui Ling West village row greenhouses, the shed clean and tidy, intelligent agricultural collection equipment automatically detect the shed light, temperature, rows of standardized planting tomatoes bright red round. Villager Cui Xinzhong is using his mobile phone to control the water and fertilizer machine to spray water and fertilizer.

These smart devices can be controlled by mobile phones, saving time and effort.

At present, more than 300 vegetable greenhouses in Triling West Village have all installed various kinds of intelligent equipment, and the application of intelligent Internet of things, so that ordinary vegetable greenhouses have become a green factory integrating science and technology and intelligence.

Cui Guanliang, villager of Cui Ling West Village, Paddy Town, Shouguang City: From the beginning of the planting of this crop of seedlings, it is recorded. Daily weather, temperature, watering, pruning, pruning, picking data are recorded in this book to facilitate future management plans.

From relying on "experience planting vegetables" to relying on "data planting vegetables", Shouguang vegetables have been recorded in the planting process and product sales can be traced, not only making vegetables more scientific and more standard, but also making vegetables achieve high quality and high price.

Cui Guanliang, villager of Cui Ling West Village, Paddy Town, Shouguang City: This greenhouse management is planted in full accordance with standardized requirements, so the tomato quality is good and the yield is high. The yield of one mu can reach about 20,000 jin, and now it picks about 1,500 jin every day. The picked tomatoes are purchased by cooperatives and exported directly to foreign countries.

In recent years, the Shouguang tomato market has become popular all the way, and Cui Ling West Village has also created its own tomato brand.

Zhang Linlin, deputy director of Shouguang Vegetable Industry Development Center: In Shouguang, there are 137,000 greenhouses like Cui Ling West Village. At present, the "two products and one standard" agricultural products certified by Shouguang have reached 313, and the penetration rate of new vegetable greenhouses intelligent equipment has exceeded 80%.

Relying on advanced scientific and technological equipment and strict management standards, Shouguang's vegetables have achieved high-end quality and planting wisdom. After nearly 10 years of development, local farmers have not only solved the problem of difficult to sell vegetables and earn less money, but also expanded the sales territory. This batch of tomatoes just picked, 40 hours will arrive in Manzhouli, Inner Mongolia, directly to the Russian supermarket.

Moreover, the car is equipped with a professional thermometer, and the temperature is measured after the port, and then you can reach Moscow within 15 days.

In recent years, Weifang Customs office in Shouguang set up import and export fresh perishable agricultural food products territorial inspection green channel, shorten the customs clearance time.

Guo Yunsheng, director of the Weifang Customs Office in Shouguang, Jinan Customs: Give priority to the export declaration, inspection, sampling and other procedures for fresh vegetables, and shorten the average customs clearance time by more than 50% this year, and fully promote Shouguang vegetables to "go out".

More detailed is a vivid portrayal of high-quality development

Shanghai Yangpu helps grassroots governance to be refined with digital technology, and Shandong Shouguang promotes the high-quality development of modern agriculture with refined agriculture. How to see the new characteristics of high-quality development "more refined"?

Hao Dong, Associate Professor of Party School of the CPC Central Committee (Chinese Academy of Governance) : More detailed is a vivid portrayal of high-quality development. High-quality development is the change from "no" to "good", from "relying on speed" to "relying on quality", from extensive development to refined development. This transformation is not only the transformation of the form of resource utilization and economic development mode, but also the transformation of all aspects of production and life. Therefore, whether it is the "embroidery needle" governance of urban communities or the precision management of agricultural production, it reflects a more refined way to promote high-quality development. High-quality development provides a solid material foundation and technical means for finer, and finer reflects that high-quality development runs through all aspects and links of economic and social development

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