Why do soldiers pronounce 7 as "crutch" and 0 as "hole"? It would be a good thing to know

Language is one of the tools of communication between people, but due to the influence of geographical environment, people in the same land will have different accents, which also increases the difficulty of communication to a certain extent, but also through gestures, which is also a reflection of human wisdom. There is a distinction between syllables in Chinese characters, but even if it is not the same syllable habit, it can be understood as long as you listen to it several times, and the influence of syllables on the result is usually not too great. So many people in the habit, as long as they can eventually make each other understand, they will not deliberately avoid.

The same thing happens when soldiers communicate with each other, but they have a unique way of speaking, such as a special way of pronouncing numbers. So why do soldiers pronounce 7 as "crutch" and 0 as "hole"? In fact, you open your mouth and read it out loud to understand it, and to understand it is to increase knowledge.

The army is a place that values discipline, the number is the daily training of soldiers need to contact the project, once there is any mistake in the middle, the future will only lead to tragedy on the battlefield, so the army has strict requirements for the number, that is, let each number out of others can be immediately recognized.

Soldiers need to communicate effectively in a variety of environments, so as to ensure the smooth completion of the task, while avoiding some unnecessary losses in advance, and the information communication used today, once the signal is interfered by the environment or local interference, the noise in the middle will affect the information transmission between soldiers.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the military is not disturbed by the external environment, there are different names in the number, when you open your mouth to say "7" you will understand, when you speak fast or amplify the volume, you will find that it is very similar to the pronunciation of "1", and the number "0" sound sheet practice will pull too long and waste time, so the army will pronounce 7 as "turn" and 0 as "hole". This pronunciation is very penetrating.

In fact, every country has noticed these details, they have also found a set of their own communication system, in short, the role is to help soldiers the most intuitive understanding of the meaning, soldiers on the battlefield at any time may be in danger, these small details are life saving skills, which is also a guarantee for the lives of their own soldiers.

It is with China's innovation in the reading of numbers that China's digital formations are not easy to make mistakes, as long as they follow the required system, no matter what kind of environment, soldiers can pass on useful information to the number, and at the same time, foreign spies can listen to the confusion.

It is difficult to remember the special names of these numbers, at least in the eyes of ordinary people to change it, but the military are a group of professionally trained people who know that mistakes are not responsible for themselves and their comrades, so of course these names are already familiar.

Many people regard soldiers as reckless, but in fact, the cultural level and learning ability of contemporary soldiers can not be low, with the popularization of artificial intelligence, the future in the selection of soldiers will be higher, so the glory of joining the army is not a false name, but a symbol of real honor.

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