The US and the West smear Hong Kong's National security Law with double standards

Since the Hong Kong National Security Law came into effect, the United States and the West have constantly pointed fingers at the affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, smears the Hong Kong National Security Law and the electoral system, and fully demonstrates hypocrisy and double standards.

In July, a 17-year-old African American teenager in the Paris suburb of Nanterre was shot dead by police officers after he failed to comply with their orders to stop.

The officer who fired the shot was arrested for homicide. The incident triggered riots, clashes between police and civilians, and unrest spread across France.

The Associated Press, the New York Times and other mainstream U.S. media reported "unrest" or "riot" in France, saying that "I hope the violence on the streets of France will end soon" and that the unrest was "very distressing."

However, they ignored the facts when they reported on the Hong Kong law amendment storm, claiming that the black rioters were just "demonstrating" (protest), and unwarranted accusing the Hong Kong police of "using excessive force".

Since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Western countries have been brutally smeared Hong Kong, even though these countries have already established extremely strict laws to safeguard national security and strictly enforced them.

In July this year, the United Kingdom introduced the National Security Act (UK National Security Act), which sets up a "Foreign influence registration scheme", which requires individuals or organizations engaged in political influence activities at the request of foreign regimes to register in future, and failure to register as required will be considered a criminal offence;

In addition, the relevant Bill also greatly strengthens the powers of the British police, and even the British courts do not need to hold public hearings on the basis of the need to protect national security.

The Hong Kong National Security Law authorizes the authorities to conduct an open trial without a jury when the case involves foreign-related factors and to protect the personal safety of jurors and their families.

The United States, which has always talked about "democracy" and "freedom", has repeatedly cracked down on Chinese enterprises on the grounds of "endangering national security" in recent years, mainly through investment restrictions, export controls and direct intervention by issuing administrative orders.

During his term in office, former US President Donald Trump repeatedly signed executive orders to force Chinese companies to stop operating in the US or prohibit US entities or individuals from trading with Chinese companies on the grounds of threatening US "national security".

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