Finish rolling "Double Doors" roll "Neck Circumference"

The level of appearance is not high, and even the job can not find, so in order to make the interview more smooth, many people will specially do "employment plastic surgery".

Not only that, it is also generally affected by "collectivism" and "elder culture". In the Korean society where hierarchical culture and authority consciousness prevail, you can't help but be bound by the group, and when you are slightly different, you will bear great pressure.

People here care a lot about what others think, and only by being in a group and becoming like everyone else can they feel more secure.

This is also why, in Korea, a particular popular aesthetic can suddenly evolve into a group behavior.

But when "beauty" becomes a kind of pressure and oppression, it should trigger thinking.

For example, not long ago, we talked to you about South Korea's latest fashion aesthetic - "low mountain roots."

I don't know when, when the word was coined. Hallyu stars have begun to be represented by a variety of low-rooted faces, and Korean beauty bloggers have begun to teach people how to make themselves look like a low-nose bridge.

This wave has even blown into the domestic - in Xiaohongshu and Douyin, "Korean low mountain roots contouring method", "necessary for young, low mountain roots feeding style teaching", "low mountain roots nose shadow teaching more suitable for Asian people"... All kinds of articles labeled as "practical" have played tricks.

A few years ago, the aesthetic of high mountain roots, high nose bridge, and delicate nose type prevailed, and countless people went to follow and fill, but they did not expect that in an instant, low mountain roots became popular.

This popular aesthetic, which is advertised and summarized by keywords, is always emerging, sometimes "low mountain roots", once, there were "fairy ears", "A4 waist", "high cranial top", "right shoulders"......

People always need these keywords to be the highlight elements to catch people's eyes quickly, they appear all the time, followed by a lot of thoughtless imitation.

Think about it, when you go back and look at the original popular "fairy ears", isn't it the "wind ears" that were once not liked by the mainstream aesthetic?

Sometimes you do nothing, and the fashion aesthetic falls on you.

Popular aesthetic is always dressed in a beautiful coat, they are packaged by capital, promoted by the market, they let the public to follow, to emulate, and even into the plastic surgery room, lost their own original characteristics.

Teaching people to become beautiful appearance, the essence is still a marketing concept, some people are defining the standard of plastic surgery, naturally some people are close to the standard.

The cycle goes on and on, with our faces and bodies shrinking so that we are always passively in the public eye accepting new demands, in a race that seems to never end.

Even those female stars who are infinitely close to the "perfect" standard have to be repeatedly tossed by "popular", let alone ordinary girls.

"Today, the digital age is dominated by the belief that life can be measured and quantified. The quantified Self movement is also reveling in this belief."

And are we also in the sight of others, imperceptibly accepting this quantitative rule, marking our appearance one by one with precise numbers?

But why do we need any new standards of beauty?

The movie Barbie, released last year, told the world that Barbie could wear birkenstocks instead of pink heels, had a sense of autonomy, feared death and grew orange peel tissue.

But it doesn't matter, after the awakening of Barbie, she has to decide for herself how to live in the real world, to be free.

We may never be the standard of "perfection," but fortunately, we can eventually define our own standard of "beauty."

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