Korea's aesthetic template has been updated

That's right, this time it's # Koreanshave started curling their necks.

And with the "curly neck" matching, these men in order to achieve the "double-door refrigerator" like the goal body.

The "double-door refrigerator", as the name suggests, refers to a male character in a South Korean cartoon with a surprisingly large size, small head and broad shoulders, resembling a double-door refrigerator. I believe that many Chinese netizens, when mentioning this word, will regard it as a quadratic exaggeration, an interesting meme and joke.

But who would have thought that it has long been more than a hot meme on the Internet, in real life, "wider than the refrigerator shoulder", actually is really the most proud of the body of South Korean men.

In order to achieve the "double-door refrigerator", South Korea's 24-hour gym blossomed everywhere until midnight, shoulder training projects are still crowded.

The fitness effect is slow, and many people even begin to "lift the shoulders", which is also quite amazing

The procedure involves a plastic surgeon making a minimally invasive incision in the deltoid muscle, using endoscopic technology to separate the area under the skin from the muscle, and inserting silicone implants to achieve broad shoulders.

There are side effects, too. For example, after surgery, the shoulder can no longer do too much exercise because of the prosthesis, and because the implantation position is shallow, it is easy to shift.

Even so, this does not stop South Korean men's love of beauty, the appointment list is long long.

Interestingly, in South Korea, even if you have achieved a "double-door refrigerator" body through various efforts, it is not enough - because you also need to wear a delicate face, and in the popular Korean aesthetic, both are indispensable.

This is not an exaggeration, you will find that whether it is the male actors in Korean dramas, the colorful male lovers who started the KPOP wave, or even the male guest on the newly trending "Single is Hell 3"...... They have more or less the same physical characteristics.

Even beyond their figure, they have curly skin.

In short, it is largely due to the Korean society's extreme "beauty level first" ideology.

Data show that in the past 2023, the average consumption of male skin care in South Korea ranked first in the world, more than twice that of the second ranked United Kingdom and the third ranked Denmark, while the market size has grown to 1110 billion won (about 5.961 billion yuan) in 2023, to know that the Korean male population is less than 26 million. In the past decade, the number of men's skincare consumers has increased by 44%.

75% of Korean men go to a beauty treatment at least once a week, and the average Korean man uses a whopping 13.3 cosmetics per month.

They really put a lot of effort into their faces.

And this kind of aesthetic volume, not only exists in men, and even more in women.

Regarding the "appearance level first", many Korean dramas actually reflect this principle in the side - you will often see that the protagonist is bullied by classmates because he is not good-looking at the beginning, and is bullied by his superiors and colleagues because he is not outstanding.

And by changing your appearance, you can change your life again.

Such screenwriters are also traceable in real life, after all, in Korean social surveys, they seem to value appearance more than ability

Ninety-eight percent of employees said that appearance has a great impact on employment, and so does the hiring manager of the company that selects these candidates, because 94% of HR personnel agree that they consider appearance when hiring candidates.

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