How to deal with swallowing fish bones by mistake

"Fishbones" are the shining stars in the headlines

It took a month for a fish bone to get to the doctor

After swallowing fish bones by mistake, these patients do not dare to come to the hospital for various reasons, and often use the "soil method" treatment on their own.

For example, swallowing rice, steamed bread, vegetables, etc., often wait for a few days of pain or discomfort can not be relieved, and have to come to the hospital.

Due to the long delay and the wrong treatment method, the fish bone may have passed from the lower throat to the esophagus at the time of treatment, resulting in esophageal foreign body, or even esophageal perforation, and more serious may cause mediastinum infection. If the fish bone is pierced into the main artery, it may endanger life at any time.

At first, a patient did not know that he had a fish bone in his throat, but he felt that his throat was very sore and even had repeated fever.

But the patient has been afraid to come to the hospital for medical treatment, he bought some anti-inflammatories to eat, and finally couldn't hold up before he came to the hospital.

The doctor found a small pus suppositories on one side of his tonsils, and then looked carefully, it turned out to be a fish bone, which has caused repeated infection of the tonsils.

It is dangerous to swallow fish bones by mistake and gulp rice or steamed bread

The epidemic has not yet ended, in this special event, mistakenly swallowed fish bone how to deal with?

When should I go to the hospital?

After swallowing fish bones by mistake, if you feel that the bones are small, the pain is relatively slight, and there is no bleeding, you can consider treating them at home first.

Ask family members to press the patient's tongue with a spoon or chopsticks in one hand, and shine a flashlight at the throat with the other hand to observe whether there are fish bones or other foreign objects on the tonsils or back wall of the pharynx. If there are, they can gently pick them out with tweezers or chopsticks.

If you can not see the fish bones under the flashlight light, but still have the feeling of thorns, then you can use the method of vomiting, with a spoon or chopsticks gently touch the root of the tongue, it will form the vomiting reflex, then the relatively shallow fish bones can be spit out in the process of vomiting.

If the pain is reduced or disappeared after the above operation, it means that the bone is out.

As a reminder, the practice of gulping rice or steamed bread is more dangerous, there is a possibility of digging fish bones deeper or into the esophagus from the throat, and there is also a possibility of vigorously squeezing the food to let the fish bones penetrate the esophagus, so it is not recommended to try.

If the pain is severe after swallowing fish bones by mistake, the meal can not be swallowed, or even bleeding, indicating that the situation is more serious, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible, you can go to the emergency department or ear, nose and throat department, please professional doctors to help deal with.

Depending on where the bone is inserted, the doctor will remove it with the help of a laryngoscope, esophagoscope or gastroscope. If the bone has pierced the esophagus, it may even require a cardiothoracic surgeon to treat it.

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