Teeth are afraid of acid and cold

For many people, hot and cold sweet and sour is not want to eat, drink a drink in summer will have a toothache to inhale a breath of cold, careful to eat food will suddenly have toothache.

Experts said that the teeth are not good because of caries, that is, the common people commonly known as "worm", how is this "worm" produced in the mouth?

"In simple terms, when the surface of the tooth is not cleaned properly, bacteria gather to form plaque, absorb sugar in saliva and food, and bacteria can use sugar to produce acid to decalcify the tooth and destroy organic matter, forming cavities.

In addition, the oral environment such as the velocity, flow, composition, tooth shape and structure of saliva in the mouth can also affect the formation of dental caries. Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital stomatology department Weng Chunhui chief physician said.

When the cavity is shallow, people may not feel it obviously, and with the deepening of the degree of tooth damage, the tooth may appear food impaction, and even transient cold and heat stimulation sensitivity.

For shallow caries with lesions that have not affected the pulp of the tooth, the tooth shape can be "restored" by resin filling.

However, if caries are not treated in time, they may develop pulpitis, periapical inflammation, and may even cause the whole tooth to be corroded, while causing strong pain, and bring unexpected adverse effects to themselves.

Weng Chunhui said that in fact, in order to avoid these serious diseases, the best way is to do a good job of prevention, pay attention to daily oral cleaning and care, through correct and effective brushing and flossing, to prevent "dental plaque" attached to the tooth surface, naturally can fundamentally inhibit the emergence of "caries".

So how to efficiently clean the plaque on the surface of your teeth? The most effective daily prevention is brushing and flossing.

Pap brushing method:

Select a soft-bristled toothbrush and point the toothbrush at a 45° Angle to the tooth axis towards the root tip (upper teeth up, lower teeth down).

With gentle pressure, make the bristles vibrate horizontally for 10 times in a short distance in the forward and backward direction. When vibrating, the toothbrush moves only about 1 mm and brushes 2 to 3 teeth each time. When moving the toothbrush to the next set of teeth, pay attention to overlapping placement.

Vertical rotation (Rolling method) :

Suitable for those with receding gums, soft bristles or medium hardness toothbrushes.

  1. The bristles are parallel to the long axis of the tooth, and the bristles point to the gum. Apply pressure so that the bristles are at a 45 degree Angle to the long axis of the tooth. 2. Rotate the toothbrush so that the bristles are brushed from the gum edge to the square. 3. Brush each part 5 to 6 times, and then move the toothbrush position.

To use a floss stick:

Gently put the floss in between the teeth, slowly bite the upper and lower teeth to slowly slide the floss into the teeth, and move back and forth to remove the dental dirt.

Dental floss sticks use dental floss to remove debris from gaps and plaque on adjacent teeth to maintain oral hygiene.

To use a gum irrigator (water floss) :

It is difficult to clean the surface between the two teeth. In addition to using a soft and fine toothbrush, it is recommended to use a gum irrigator to clean the space between the teeth, without damaging the gums and reducing the pressure on the gums when floss is inserted.

Experts warn that gargling is not a substitute for brushing your teeth. Although some mouthwashes contain drugs that can inhibit plaque growth, gargling is not a substitute for brushing your teeth, which is the best mechanical way to remove plaque. Gargling should only be used as an adjunct to brushing.

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