An endless stream of brands have applied for temporary exhibitions and flash mob activities at Qingqiu White Cliff.

A coincidence? The latest boom, all open commercial blocks, what are they doing right

In recent years, a large area, in the form of open blocks, composed of rows of low shops no more than 3 storeys high, has frequently become an Internet celebrity.

For example, the eastern suburb memory of Chengdu has been rebuilt for only two years, and has attracted the "Generation Z" trend youth from all over the country.

Different from the "box business", the "block business" is naturally "walkable" because of its open air atmosphere and life atmosphere. And most of them have a historical "origin", some are transformed by industrial relics, and some are born from Jiangnan water towns.

What did these success stories do right as large, negative urban space renewal projects?

Good wine needs no deep lane

East of the Huangpu River, at 535 Jinqiao Road, there are a number of century-old factories. In 1869, it was the Pudong factory of the old Customs, and in 1928, the Shanghai Marine Instruments General Factory took root here.

Now, after the renewal of this batch of factories, it has become a hot spot of net celebrities - EKA· Tianwu. Some media summarized its characteristics: about 30 buildings with different styles, formed a free open-air architectural art museum.

More than 3 years ago, Jia Yun investment chairman, Tianwu brand producer Chen Guoshan learned that this plant rental, then to investigate.

The first time he walked into the industrial park, the houses were already crumbling, and some of the roofs were about to collapse, but he was still deeply shocked: "I didn't expect there to be such a large amount of space along the Huangpu River and at the foot of Central,

and there are so many ancient trees." Previously, Tianwu has two projects in Pudong, but the space is small, there is not much room to play, this time he breath the first phase, the second phase of the factory leased all, "space is too good, I cherish."

This is located at the foot of Central, but the surrounding area lacks the atmosphere of an art neighborhood, and Tianwu must create a destination type of commerce. Only the aroma of wine is not afraid of the lane, but how good the wine is?

Mr. Chan, a craftsman by training who likes to read about architecture from around the world, planned to feature the complex and its Spaces.

Jia Yun invited star architects, by the founder of Ben Zhe architecture Jiang Huajian as the chief planner, chief architect. Yu Ting, founder of Wutopia Lab, presided over the architectural design of the two groups of works.

More than 30 buildings have been updated, each beautiful, none of the same, from the appearance, color, material, shape to the interior decoration, the style covers ancient and modern, but not directly, but innovative integration of art and contemporary elements, the design is quite interesting.

There are even college architecture teachers regularly bring students here to take classes. Some people describe: as if in the park opened a real exhibition of architecture can be read, change the scene, always have surprises.

Yu Ting transformed the carport of the old factory into a "copper fort", inspired by the metal texture of Marine machinery, steel structure keel, attached to the metal plate coat, to make an all-metal small art museum.

It sits on the waterfront of the central square, like a submarine coming out of the water. This work has been featured on the cover of many world-famous magazines and websites.

Then, Yu Ting transformed the building next to the chimney of the original navigation instrument factory in the park. Its facade was like a fish scale blue, which contrasted with the white of the adjacent buildings in terms of height and tone, and named it Qingqiu White Cliff.

An endless stream of brands have applied for temporary exhibitions and flash mob activities at Qingqiu White Cliff.

The 445 warehouse "half warehouse" is operated by Jiang Huajian, which basically retains the old building form of the factory building, with simple and dark gray as the keynote, and has an interactive exchange area and a quiet meditation area.

Other buildings have their own characteristics. For example, there is a red brick building, using ceramic bricks that are several times more expensive than ordinary red bricks, built in ancient ways, and the building cost is also not cheap.

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