Losing weight means not eating fat? These foods must be eaten

At present, most people are skinny for beauty, and losing weight has become a compulsory course for handsome men and women. Most of them talk about "fat" color change because of fear of weight gain. So, is losing weight about not eating fat?

The effects of fat on the human body

Fat not only stores and supplies energy, but is also an important component of tissues and cells. It acts like a thick quilt, maintaining our body temperature, protecting our organs, and promoting the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Fat is an essential nutrient for our body, and proper intake is good for our body. In the face of fat, the key is not to eat less, but how to choose fatty foods reasonably.

What foods can you get fat from? The main vegetable oil (peanut oil, canola oil, olive oil, etc.), nuts (peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc.), animal food (beef, mutton, fish, etc.).

This type of fat must be eaten

Fat is composed of fatty acids and glycerol, there are many types of fatty acids, we need to focus on the polyunsaturated fatty acids, because some of the polyunsaturated fatty acids are not our body's own synthesis, must be obtained from food. Therefore, when we choose fatty foods, we should choose polyunsaturated fatty acid foods. Among them, vegetable oil is the best source of essential fatty acids, especially soybean oil, corn oil, sesame oil, olive oil and so on. In the cooking process, these oils can be mixed and used to increase the intake of essential fatty acids.

Nuts mainly contain linoleic acid in polyunsaturated fatty acids, fish mainly contain alpha-linolenic acid, and animal foods (such as fatty meat) contain less polyunsaturated fatty acids, so we can carefully choose this part of the food. Phospholipids are also an important lipid, which can participate in the composition of our cell membranes, brain tissue, and nerve tissue. Foods rich in phospholipids include egg yolks, lean meat, liver, and soybeans. Foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and phospholipids have brain-boosting properties, so you can choose these foods to replenish your brain.

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