It's not all anger that causes a hoarse voice

Most people in the occurrence of pharyngeal discomfort, hoarseness and other symptoms, are considered to be minor problems, did not cause enough attention, often use to eat powder or throat lozenges to treat.

In fact, this approach is unscientific. Because the common causes of hoarseness in addition to acute and chronic pharyngitis, there may also be vocal nodules, vocal cord polyps, vocal cord paralysis, and even laryngeal cancer.

These key groups need medical attention for throat discomfort

Voice is a basic tool for communication between people. A beautiful voice and a beautiful face can enhance one's image and add personal charm. Each of us has our own voice; it is our second face. We communicate with the world through our voices and convey emotions.

In daily life, due to excessive use of voice, unhealthy diet and air pollution, the incidence of voice diseases is increasing year by year. Voice problems such as hoarseness, sore throat, dry throat, foreign body sensation and pronunciation fatigue seriously affect people's quality of life and health.

Doctors especially remind long-term smoking and drinking, more than 40 years old, patients with hoarseness, throat discomfort and other symptoms, must be timely to the hospital. The doctor will carry out the corresponding examination according to the condition, to observe whether the vocal cords are long "something", how the vocal cords are moving, whether the vocal cords are poorly closed and fixed. If necessary, the doctor will do further tests to make a definitive diagnosis.

There are six common diseases that can make your voice hoarse

Chronic laryngitis, mainly caused by repeated attacks or prolonged acute laryngitis, dust or tobacco and alcohol stimulation, improper sound, chronic inflammation of neighboring organs and other causes. The voice becomes deep and rough, the symptoms are heavier in the morning, and then gradually improve with the increase of activity, coughing up throat secretions, and the next morning becomes worse; The hoarseness will be reduced after silence, and the symptoms will be aggravated by more speech, which is intermittent. Throat often feel sputum adhesion, foreign body sensation. Cough whenever you speak to get rid of sticky phlegm.

Acute laryngitis, usually after a cold and fever, accompanied by sore throat, swallowing pain; Or if the patient has a history of excessive articulation, such as long talking, high Shouting, long crying, or improper voice use, the larynx will become inflamed, resulting in hoarseness. Barking cough is an important characteristic of acute laryngitis in children.

The treatment of acute and chronic laryngitis mainly includes silence, removal of causative factors, smoking cessation and alcohol withdrawal, atomization treatment, etc. Patients with severe hoarseness can also be treated with oral antibiotics, hormones, ringing pills and other anti-inflammatory symptomatic drugs. The vast majority of patients can recover normal voice after the above treatment.

Nodules of the vocal cords, which occur in prolonged, loud speech, singing at too high a pitch or for too long, are also associated with smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. The main symptom is hoarseness. The early degree is light, the sound is slightly rough or basically normal, mainly because the sound is easy to fatigue, occurs when the sound is long, when it is good or bad, and it is intermittent hoarse. The disease continues to progress, and the hoarseness increases, which can develop from intermittent to continuous.

Early treatment is to silence the voice, let the vocal cords rest, and more can disappear on its own. For those who fail to respond to general treatment and drug therapy, laryngeal microsurgery can be performed under general anesthesia to resect the nodules. The voice was silenced for two weeks and nebulized for inhalation.

Vocal cord polyps, because vocal cord polyps are more associated with occupational voice use, improper voice use or excessive voice use, the most common groups are singers, teachers, sales, customer service, anchors, occupations that need to shout and children. The main symptom is hoarseness, hoarseness degree can be different due to the size of the polyp, the site changes, light only slight change, heavy people will hoarseness, or even lost voice.

Surgery is the main treatment for the disease.

Vocal cord leukoplakia is mainly related to long-term mucosal chronic inflammation caused by smoking, alcoholism, inhaling irritating substances, improper voice use, viral infection, esophageal reflux, etc. It presents as hoarseness, foreign body sensation in the throat, sore throat or chronic cough.

For patients who do not respond to conservative treatment for one or two months or who are highly suspected of high-grade dysplasia/cancer, surgery should be performed.

Laryngeal cancer, glottic laryngeal cancer lesions are often located in the middle or front of the vocal cord, very early symptoms of hoarseness. General laryngoscopy can see abnormalities, pathological biopsy can be confirmed, diagnosis is relatively easy.

If there is no obvious cause, the voice is hoarse, even harsh, accompanied by throat obstruction, cough, blood in the sputum, neck mass and other symptoms of people should be alert to the possibility of laryngeal cancer. For laryngeal cancer, surgery is the main treatment. The principle of surgery is to completely remove the tumor. However, for patients with poor physical conditions or not suitable for surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and biological therapy are also feasible.

Voice protection has a way to raise "voice" tips to learn

Strengthen physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, improve the resistance to upper respiratory tract infection; When you have a cold, you should try to reduce talking, drink more warm water, and pay attention to maintaining your vocal cords.

Do not abuse your voice, correct incorrect vocal methods, and avoid excessive use of your voice when speaking in noisy environments.

Pay attention to protection during special periods, vocal cords are easily damaged during voice change, menstrual period, and pregnancy, and pay attention to the rest of the vocal cords.

Try to speak slowly, slow down and avoid rushing.

Change bad habits and avoid frequent efforts to clear the throat, which can easily lead to vocal cord damage. When you want to clear your throat, you can do the action of swallowing and saliva can also have the effect of removing secretions, and consciously avoid clearing your throat.

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