What do you know about stomach cancer

Stomach cancer is a disease that is both scary and not scary. The scary is that it has strong concealment, high morbidity and high mortality; What is not scary is that it is preventable and treatable, and with a little attention in daily life, you can avoid a disaster.

Gastritis or gastric ulcer must develop into stomach cancer? Which high-risk groups must have a gastroscopy? How does Helicobacter pylori cause gastric cancer?

Dreaded stomach cancer

From gastritis or stomach ulcers to early stage stomach cancer, and then to advanced stomach cancer, it takes a very long process, depending on the individual differences.

Clinically, it has been found that some patients actually start from changes in gastric mucosa, which are mainly non-specific inflammation, such as atrophic gastritis and atypical hyperplasia, and slowly evolve into early gastric cancer.

There are patients with gastric ulcers, which are benign at the beginning, but are not completely treated and cured, so that they occur again and again, so that malignant changes will occur in the future, and stomach cancer may be formed.

What are the main causes of stomach cancer?

★ Helicobacter pylori

★ Smoking and drinking

★ High salt diet

★ Genetic factors

Professionals work under great pressure, often stay up late, drink and smoke, three meals are not on time, etc. These bad lifestyles leave a lot of room for the development of stomach cancer.

Who are the high-risk groups of stomach cancer?

◆ Have a history of stomach diseases, such as ulcer disease, atrophic gastritis, etc

◆ Helicobacter pylori infection

◆ Family history of gastric or esophageal cancer

◆ People in areas with high incidence of gastric cancer

It is recommended that people over the age of 50 who are at high risk should get gastroscopy screening. Normal people have no problems in all aspects of eating and drinking, and there is no need to do gastroscopy.

Gastroscopy is usually not recommended for people over 80 years of age. Because for them, the psychological, physiological and pathological impact of gastroscopy is much greater than the disease itself.

What are the means to treat gastric cancer?

Gastric cancer is different from other tumors, the first diagnosis is very important, because the combination and sequence of treatment methods are different, the effect is also different, so the treatment plan is generally determined according to different diagnostic stages.

There are many treatment methods for gastric cancer, including endoscopic resection, endoscopic surgery, comprehensive treatment such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy, and finally drug therapy.

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