Can Sitting for too long cause 'dead butt syndrome'

"Doctor, is my butt dead?"

"How can a man's ass die when he's alive?"

"Can dead hips come back to life?"

Recently, Liu Zhenlong, deputy chief physician of the sports medicine Department of Peking University Third Hospital, can always hear a new term "dead buttock syndrome" from the mouth of patients, which is accompanied by many problems about hip health.

Lumbago and joint pain may be caused by gluteal muscle inactivation

Liu Zhenlong said: "' dead hip syndrome 'is a very vivid term for hip muscle inactivation, but there is no need to panic too much because of this term. In medicine, 'dead hip syndrome' is also known as' gluteal amnesia '. As a result of prolonged sitting or reduced movement, the muscles in the buttocks don't work for long periods of time and become inactive and atrophy."

In Liu Zhenlong's clinic, many patients who come to see low back pain and joint pain may be caused by gluteal muscle inactivation. But patients often touch their buttocks wondering, does not hurt and does not itch, how can go wrong?

As everyone knows, the buttock muscles are an important connection point of the body, and their strength and health are crucial to maintaining the overall balance and stability of the body. "Gluteal muscles not only affect the stability of the pelvis, lumbar spine and hip joints, but also are closely related to a variety of diseases such as lumbar sprains, lumbar muscle strain, sacroiliarthritis and hip problems. Exercises and maintenance to strengthen the buttock muscles are important to prevent and treat these diseases."

Liu Zhenlong explained to the China Youth Daily and China Youth Network reporter that there are seven major muscles in the buttock-gluteus maximus, gluteus media, gluteus minor, piriformis, obturator internal muscle, quadratus femoris and obturator external muscle, which are closely connected to the trunk, pelvis and lower limbs, playing the role of transit station and core stabilizer. When the strength of the buttock muscles is weakened or atrophied, it can lead to a range of health problems.

First of all, if the hip strength is not uniform, the stability of the pelvis will be affected, and there may be posture problems such as forward leaning, backward leaning and even rotation.

Secondly, the weakening of the hip muscles will also affect the stability of the lumbar spine, leading to the disorder of the lumbar facet joints, increasing the risk of lumbar sprains and lumbar muscle strain, and may induce lumbar disc herniation in severe cases.

In addition, the buttock muscles are also essential for the stability of the sacroiliac joint. Chronic hip muscle strain or lack of strength can lead to sacroiliac joint instability, which can lead to sacroiliac arthritis and pain. The sacroiliac joint is the close connection between the sacrum and the ilium bone, and its stability is directly affected by the condition of the buttock muscles.

Finally, a lack of strength in the hip muscles can also affect the hip joints. Instability of the hip can lead to pain in the groin area, the outer thighs and even the buttocks, which can develop into arthritis of the hip over time.

Can the "dead" lost gluteal muscle be revived

"In people who are sedentary, such as sitting for more than two or three hours a day, hip muscle atrophy is almost inevitable."

Liu Zhenlong observed that some of the ergonomic design of the sitting chair on the market, "Some tools can indeed alleviate the discomfort of sitting for a long time to a certain extent, but really to improve health conditions, or rely on active exercise." 'Dead' lost hip muscles can be reactivated through exercise. '

Liu Zhenlong introduced that through fitness, especially for gluteal exercises, such as gluteal bridge, squat (pay attention to maintain body balance, focus on the gluteal muscle) and kettlebell swing, you can effectively compensate and enhance muscle strength. These movements stimulate the contraction of the gluteus and surrounding muscle groups, and promote the activation and growth of muscle fibers.

Liu Zhenlong suggested a moderate amount of exercise every day, such as hip bridge, squat, kettlebell swing these actions can be practiced 3 groups a day, each group of 15, according to personal circumstances appropriate adjustment. In the exercise process to do what you can to avoid the pursuit of the limit and injury.

At the same time, Liu Zhenlong also reminded that in daily life, some bad posture can also affect the buttock muscles. Therefore, when standing, you should maintain a balanced force on your feet and avoid using bad standing posture, recline or "Ge you lie" for a long time, which is easy to lead to uneven distribution of muscle strength, causing asymmetrical muscle problems.

Don't worry about having the perfect butt

How can I tell if my hips are healthy? Liu Zhenlong said that from a medical point of view, it is still necessary to look at the symptoms, if there is no waist pain, joint pain or hip pain caused by hip muscles, it is no problem.

But in reality, there are many people who want not only healthy hips, but also beautiful hips. In this regard, Liu Zhenlong said that each person's situation is different, can not force.

'A lot of people are troubled by sunken hips on both sides.' The shape of the buttocks is determined by the bone, muscle, and fat of the buttocks. The buttocks are located between the top of the pelvis and the femur. The wider and flatter the pelvis, the shorter the distance between the pelvis and femur, and the more rounded and full the buttock muscles will appear in the limited space. If the pelvis is long, the distance between the pelvis and the femur will be longer, and the buttock muscles connecting the two ends will naturally appear to have a significant depression.

In addition to congenital bone conditions, depression on both sides of the buttocks is closely associated with gluteal atrophy, which is one of the main causes of this appearance problem. "There are two types of atrophy, pathological and physiological."

Pathological conditions, such as gluteal contracture, may be caused by congenital factors, local gluteal muscle fiber cord compression, affecting the normal development and exercise of the muscle, forming a state similar to scar adhesion, limiting the function of the gluteal muscle, resulting in atrophy and depression. Acquired factors such as frequent injections of drugs into the buttocks (especially during childhood) may lead to local bleeding and formation of scar adhesives in those with a cicatricial physique, as well as atrophy and depression of the gluteal muscle.

Gluteal muscle contracture affects patients to varying degrees, and some patients may have symptoms of hip bouncing, such as difficulty crossing their legs or limitations in squatting, the need to adopt certain positions (such as spreading their legs), or hearing joint bouncing in order to complete a squat.

Liu Zhenlong said: "Pathological gluteal muscle contracture can only be improved by exercise, and the effect may be limited. If it is a physical muscle problem, it can be effectively improved through proper exercise. Therefore, appropriate measures should be taken according to the specific cause (physiologic or pathological), including exercise and possible medical intervention, to improve hip shape and function."

Liu Zhenlong reminded the public to calm down and not worry about having the perfect butt. Whether you want your hips to be plump or healthy, you should start by reducing your sedentary time and strengthening your butt muscles.

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