You waste a good thing by throwing away the peel after eating an orange

Many people like to eat oranges, so do you throw away the orange peel directly after eating the orange? In fact, there are many benefits of orange peel that you did not know!

Regulating qi and eliminating swelling:

Make orange peel tea with fresh orange peel and sugar boiling water.

It can help regulate qi to eliminate distension, produce fluid and moisten the throat.

Relieve stomach pain:

Here is the use of dried orange peel, dried orange peel not only smell special, but also anti-inflammatory, adjust the function of the stomach.

Drinking some orange peel water is helpful for improving stomach pain and stomach upset caused by irregular diet.

Prevent motion sickness:

Motion sickness is a bad experience for many people, and sometimes the stickers don't work.

For those who travel, the pleasure of play has not been first replaced by the discomfort of the body.

In fact, orange peel can effectively prevent motion sickness, an hour before the car with fresh orange peel, fold into the right shape, at the nostrils, squeeze the orange peel, so that the spray of fine orange fragrance oil mist can be inhaled nostrils, in the car can also continue to squeeze inhalation at any time, to maintain the state of motion sickness.

Improve bad breath:

Bad breath is an embarrassing thing, some people are always repeated bad breath, which leads to not want to talk, affecting the communication in work and life.

In addition to internal adjustment, orange peel can also be used in ordinary times to drink water, effectively improve bad breath.

For cough:

Put the dried orange peel, add the appropriate amount of water to fry soup, during the period put a small amount of ginger brown sugar, cook and drink hot.

Or use fresh orange peel chopped water to brew, add appropriate sugar.

Both can play a role in relieving phlegm and cough.

Treatment of chilblains:

In winter, when the weather is cold, our hands and feet will develop frostbite.

You can boil water with orange peel to soak your feet or roast orange peel and grind powder, mix it with vegetable oil, and apply it on the chilblains to help treat chilblains.

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