If you want to protect stomach malatang, eat less

Gastritis cancer rate is low, stomach disease patients to maintain a happy mood is conducive to recovery.

In recent years, the incidence of stomach diseases has become increasingly younger, and the incidence of middle-aged patients has also increased year by year. Gastrointestinal health is related to the nutrition supply of the whole body, intestinal and stomach care in addition to traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, but also need to start from daily habits: regular diet, work and rest combination, maintain a good mood.

Irregular life is prone to stomach disease

With the increase of life pressure, many people do not have three meals a day, coupled with mental pressure, easy to become a high incidence of stomach diseases. In addition, the life pressure of men is generally greater than that of women, coupled with most men have bad habits of smoking and drinking, so the probability of stomach problems of men is far greater than that of women.

The cause of stomach disease is mostly due to irregular life, especially three irregular meals a day, too much spicy, too cold, hard and other irritating food.

Eating habits are the key to a healthy digestive system, and people with chronic stomach discomfort should be more careful about the type of food they choose to reduce symptoms and speed up recovery.

When the stomach and intestines are not good, the diet should be mild as the highest principle, and stimulating and greasy food must be avoided.

In addition, according to various discomfort symptoms, follow different dietary recommendations, can accelerate stomach recovery. Early detection, prevention and treatment are the best means to put an end to stomach disease. Diet should be fixed time and quantity, life should be regular; Pay attention to the combination of work and rest, try to keep a good mood; Don't skip breakfast because you're busy at work, losing weight, or sleeping in. Eat more fresh vegetables and grains; Eat less spicy or cold food.

In addition, the treatment and prevention of the recurrence of stomach disease must also be according to the doctor's guidance, according to the course of medication, do not stop taking medicine because of a slight reduction in symptoms.

The incidence of gastritis cancer is less than 1%

At present, the rate of gastritis cancer is less than 1%, and it is related to many factors. Healthy elderly people should also pay attention to diet, such as eating pasta for breakfast as much as possible, avoid eating cold food such as rice flour for breakfast; Eat more fruit, apple is the best fruit for patients with stomach problems; Eat less sweet food, avoid fried raw and cold food.

Learn how to protect your stomach

  1. Eat less fried food

Fried food is not easy to digest, it will increase the burden of the digestive tract, eat more easily cause indigestion, and even increase blood lipids, which is not good for health.

  1. Say goodbye to alcohol and tobacco

Both smoke and alcohol can cause serious irritation to the gastric mucosa, destroy the integrity of the mucus layer, and lead to reduced barrier function, thus leading to chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

  1. Chinese medicine ingredients help conditioning

People with stomach problems can eat some traditional Chinese medicine or ingredients that are helpful to the stomach, such as hericium mushroom, Qianhu, Huai Shan, these ingredients have been proven to nourish the stomach, and can be boiled in soup or water with the ingredients.

  1. Stay away from foods that hurt your stomach

Starch content is too high food eat less, such as glutinous rice, sweet potato, taro, sugar content is too high, stomach acid stimulation is easy to produce acid; Carbonated drinks tend to produce gas and cause hiccups, and it is best not to touch them.

  1. Get close to fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits, in addition to providing the human body with enough vitamins and trace elements, the most helpful thing for the stomach is cellulose and water. Vegetables and fruits are easy to digest, do not bring the burden of decomposition and refining to the stomach, and have enough alkalinity, and can also synthesize stomach acid.

Vegetables and fruits contain fiber, which stomach acid can't cope with, and this fiber allows digested food to form soft clumps that pass through the intestines more easily. Therefore, do not use the work meal to wronged themselves, each meal should be appropriate to add vegetables and fruits. In the selection of vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to eat according to the pH, cold and heat of various fruits.

  1. Stay focused while eating

The absorption and digestion of diet requires sufficient blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, when eating should be concentrated, can not do two things at once. If you eat while thinking; Or while eating, reading, watching TV, more blood to supply brain work, will directly affect the blood supply of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, this is bound to affect the role of the stomach, causing stomach diseases.

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