What about sudden hearing loss with tinnitus

These two days did not rest well, when I turned over in the middle of the night, I felt that the eyes were spinning.

My ears are ringing and I can't hear well when I answer the phone.

At first appeared tinnitus did not care, and then began to affect the hearing.

Encounter such a scene, many people feel that is recently too tired, more rest will be good. But don't be careless - sudden hearing loss, especially when accompanied by tinnitus, stuffy ears, vertigo or dizziness, can be a sign of sudden deafness.

Many people do not pay much attention to the onset of this disease, and as a result, the treatment is delayed in the delay, resulting in serious consequences such as deafness. Sudden deafness is a common disease in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of otolaryngology, but it has a significant negative impact on the quality of life and mental emotion of patients.

People over 40 years old are prone to the disease

Sudden deafness, also known as idiopathic sudden deafness, refers to a sudden, unexplained loss of hearing within 72 hours. In recent years, the annual incidence of sudden deafness has gradually increased to about 5-30 per 100,000 people. Most sudden deafness is unilateral, and the incidence of bilateral deafness is only 2%.

Patients who fail to pay attention to hearing abnormalities and seek medical attention in time, the loss of hearing is not only difficult to recover, the condition may continue to deteriorate and develop severe hearing loss or deafness.

According to the outpatient treatment, the majority of patients with sudden deafness are middle-aged and elderly people between 40 and 60 years old, and most of them are accompanied by chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

Modern work stress, lack of sleep and poor eating habits have also led to the onset of the disease at a younger age, and we have even seen teenage high school patients.

At present, 90% of sudden deafness has not yet been identified as the cause, but through many years of clinical research, it is considered that the onset is closely related to the following factors: psychological factors, inner ear vascular disease, viral infection and so on.

It is generally believed that mental stress, mood swings, sleep disorders, and irregular life may be the main causes of sudden deafness. If the patient is accompanied by hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and other diseases, the probability of sudden deafness will be relatively increased.

Why is deafness accompanied by tinnitus and vertigo

In addition to hearing loss, sudden deafness may also be accompanied by tinnitus, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms. Tinnitus can sometimes appear as the first symptom because sudden deafness is a sensorineural type of hearing loss in which lesions occur in nerve pathways associated with the perception of sound.

Tinnitus and deafness are important manifestations of abnormal auditory nerve function, so they often accompany each other.

Some patients may wonder why deafness is accompanied by vertigo.

In fact, our ears are not only an organ for listening to sound, but also a receptor for controlling the body's balance.

Therefore, when the ear is sick, it will not only cause hearing loss, but also cause balance sensation disorders, which can be manifested as vertigo.

Therefore, in clinical practice, deafness and tinnitus, vertigo symptoms are often closely related.

It should be distinguished from the following common diseases

It is important to note that the vertigo exhibited by sudden deafness is not specific, that is, it may be confused with some diseases with similar symptoms. This is also the reason why we remind patients to seek medical treatment in time, to investigate through professional medical methods, so as not to delay diagnosis and treatment.

Often, sudden deafness accompanied by vertigo is confused with the following disorders.

Central brain diseases such as cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and other brain lesions, can be manifested as nausea, vomiting, vision rotation and other symptoms similar to sudden deafness, such fatal diseases need to be diagnosed and treated in seconds.

Therefore, patients with the above symptoms, especially middle-aged and elderly people with chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, should be given priority to the department of neurology and exclude central brain diseases.

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