Why laryngitis is more common when it's cold

The cold, dry weather has caused many people to have sore throats, especially teachers. How should the teachers who are busy preaching, teaching and solving doubts for us be able to protect their throat and throat?

Fall why more likely to appear pharyngitis?

Teachers are professional throat users, pharyngitis is more likely to occur when it is cold, the main reasons are the following four factors:

1, dust, smoke, etc. are the main factors causing chronic pharyngitis, when the weather is dry, these substances diffuse in the air, easy to cause irritation to the throat;

2, the autumn sense is gradually concentrated, the temperature difference between day and night increases, if the resistance is decreased, it is also easy to induce the occurrence of pharyngitis;

3, the long-term overload of lectures and pronunciation methods are not scientific, so that the throat and pharyngeal mucosa under the long-term impact of strong airflow, resulting in local congestion, edema, while affecting the secretion of the throat glands, so there is dry pain and discomfort of the pharynx; Those with unscientific pronunciation are also prone to hoarseness;

4, autumn is also a good season for rhinitis, some teachers are rhinitis patients, allergic rhinitis attack, may be combined with allergic pharyngitis; In addition, rhinitis attacks lead to nasal congestion, there is the need to breathe open mouth, the temperature is relatively low and no filtered air directly stimulate the throat, can also cause pharyngitis. :

1, suitable for drinking health tea, do not eat food

(1) Sweet orange iced plum drink: raw licorice 6g, platycodon platycodon 6g, Wumei 5g, wood butterfly 5g, rock sugar, tea after brewing with boiling water, suitable for teachers with dry throat, loud and easy to repeat and less sputum.

(2) Quick throat decoction: Shoot dried 5g, ginger 5g, cicadas 5g, peppermint 3g, kelp 30g, add appropriate amount of water to boil for 15 minutes and drink, can be used for hiss, sore throat, no fever, nasal congestion and tears.

(3) Xingsu Powder: 8g Perilla leaves, 6g bitter almonds, 3g orange peel, 10g pinellia pinellia, 6g former Hu, 5g cicada decidua, 8g mulberry leaves, add appropriate amount of water and boil for 15 minutes as tea, suitable for sore throat, dry throat and cough.

(4) Cinnamon peel Pu 'er tea: cinnamon 2g, orange peel 3g, cooked Pu 3-4g, boiled water after brewing tea, suitable for pharyngeal foreign body feeling repeated and afraid of cold, hands and feet easy to chill teachers.

In addition, it is recommended that teachers drink warm water, a small number of times is appropriate to ensure that the throat surface forms a normal moist state. At the same time, avoid eating cold, spicy, sour food, do not smoke, stay away from second-hand smoke, do not use drugs, especially cold drugs, such as Panghai, chrysanthemum, honeysuckle and so on.

2, usually do a small massage

During the break or rest, you can do some massage to relax the muscle groups in the throat: slightly above the center of the neck (equivalent to the Adam's apple in men) as the midpoint, from the top down with the thumb or press and knead, and then the Adam's apple as the center, with the thumb, index finger and middle finger gently knead there and around, each massage for five minutes for one session, no less than three sessions a day.

In addition, usually do some proper yawning, grinning action, while stretching the tongue and swinging from side to side, can also achieve the purpose of relaxing the muscles of the throat and the base of the tongue.

3, rest voice to protect voice, master scientific pronunciation

In addition, teachers also need to pay attention to the way of teaching, use the appropriate speed and tone of voice, try to speak peacefully, if you need to speak loudly, it is best to use a megaphone to help, avoid Shouting and speaking loudly, and make full use of breaks between classes to avoid excessive use of voice.

Learn and master the scientific pronunciation: inhale and absorb the air into the Dantian (that is, slightly below the navel), and when making sounds, moderately open the mouth according to the level of the sound, relax the lower palate and the base of the tongue, and raise the soft palate naturally, so that the resonance position is raised, and the sound reaches the resonance cavity of the head from the open throat.

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