In response to the concern of parents, the National Health Commission answers questions scientifically

we strengthened social mobilization and publicity for popular science. The Work Plan for Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents has been formulated to publicize knowledge of scientific prevention and control of myopia, improve the awareness of the public and children and adolescents,

and create a good social atmosphere through the development of core information and publicity and education tools for myopia prevention and control, the formation of health science teams, and the implementation of myopia prevention and control activities in schools.

In response to the concern of parents, the National Health Commission answers questions scientifically

More exam classes, less physical education; More time for extracurricular training, less time for outdoor sports; Every Saturday and Sunday, parents take their children to various classes, many children are wearing small glasses... In this regard, a reporter asked: some parents, netizens hope to do laser surgery, do this laser surgery can really get rid of myopia?

Hu Ailian, deputy director of Beijing Tongren Hospital and Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, said: "Once diagnosed with myopia is a common axial myopia, the structure of the eye has changed,

if we normal people face the eye if the eyeball is a spherical sphere, myopia eye axis elongated is an ellipsoid." The operation only changes the light concentration of the cornea by focusing the light on the retina,

so that he or she can see clearly, but it cannot change the entire axis of the myopia and elongate the anatomy, so myopia cannot be cured, only corrected by scientific methods."

Therefore, Hu Ailian suggested, "Laser surgery we do not advocate all people do, we have to go to the hospital to check whether we can do this surgery, everyone's situation is different."

This is a last resort, no solution, and this is not what we advocate. Therefore, what we advocate is to actively prevent myopia, and to reasonably prevent and correct myopia in the early stage."

In addition, there are many businesses in the market to launch a variety of claims to be able to reduce children's myopia within the agreed period of time or even cure myopia advertising. About this mess, the reporter asked the expert: Can myopia really be cured?

Zhong Faying, a researcher at the Medical supervision Department of the National Health Commission's supervision Bureau, made it clear that "so far we have no cure for myopia in medicine."

Recently, the National Health Commission, together with the Central Network Information Office, the Ministry of Education, the General Administration of Market Regulation, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the State Food and Drug Administration six departments issued a joint document,

clearly stated that the use of "rehabilitation", "myopia cure" and other misleading expressions should not be used in the external publicity of myopia correction.

Please do not believe the propaganda and commercial marketing that can cure myopia, because unscientific disposal may lead to further decline in vision, and may even lead to serious consequences such as eye infection or trauma.

According to the results of the survey, the provincial governments, together with the Ministry of Education and the National Health Commission, have identified the goals and specific comprehensive prevention and control measures for the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents in their provinces. The next step is to complete these goals and tasks.

At the end of the press conference, Zhang Yong, deputy director of the Disease Control Bureau of the National Health Commission, reminded: "Families are crucial to the growth of children,

and parents should establish the concept of children's health first. We should understand the knowledge of scientific eye use, promote and help children develop good eye use habits, and timely prevent and control the occurrence and development of myopia."

Epidemic tips, together to scientific epidemic prevention

1.Virus tips to remember: coronavirus is a large family of viruses in nature, each time they visit humans will bring disease, patients will appear from the common cold to severe lung infection and other different symptoms,

so that everyone is afraid of the Middle East Respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) are caused by coronavirus. The novel coronavirus in this case refers to a new strain of coronavirus that has never been found in humans before and has been named "2019 Novel Coronavirus 2019-NCoV" by the World Health Organization.

2.Virus tips to remember: coronavirus is sensitive to heat, kept at 56℃ for 30 minutes, ether, 75% ethanol, chlorine-containing disinfectant, peracetic acid and chloroform can effectively inactivate the virus.

3.Virus tips To remember: many wild animals can carry pathogens and become the vectors of some infectious diseases, civets, bamboo mice, bats are common hosts of coronavirus.

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