An arrhythmia is not a heart attack

When doing an electrocardiogram, the four words "arrhythmia" usually make people scared and panicked. Arrhythmia is a common cardiovascular syndrome in clinic. When diagnosed as "arrhythmia" do not be too alarmed, the key is to find out the cause and then give targeted treatment, so that the heart can resume regular beating.

Malignant arrhythmia

Is what causes sudden death

Arrhythmias may occur alone or in conjunction with organic heart disease. Many heart diseases present with arrhythmias, but not all arrhythmias are accompanied by serious organic heart disease.

In recent years, many reports have said that "sudden death in young people is mostly due to arrhythmia", which has indirectly led to some people's fear of "arrhythmia". In fact, arrhythmia is a disease that can be prevented and treated, and patients do not need to be too nervous.

There are many types of arrhythmias, but malignant arrhythmias are the cause of sudden death. In addition, some patients themselves are suffering from myocarditis, when there are palpitation, respiratory infection and other situations, it may lead to sudden death. Malignant arrhythmias and myocardial infarction caused by coronary heart disease are another important cause of sudden death, which should also be paid attention to.

Arrhythmia may occur in any of the following situations:

  1. Common fever or viral infection may also cause the rhythm of the heart to be disturbed.

  2. Some young people may also show paroxysmal arrhythmias due to abnormalities in the heart conduction pathway.

The onset and termination of this arrhythmia is usually sudden. When the diagnosis is clear, doctors can quickly achieve radical treatment through radiofrequency ablation.

  1. Some patients may also have arrhythmias due to mental factors.

For example, some young women in their 20s and 30s have a bad temper, depressed mood, and then combined with chronic gastritis and other diseases, they often have premature beats, causing palpitation and other discomfort, but this arrhythmia generally does not cause serious consequences.

  1. Most of the arrhythmias in the elderly are from organic heart disease, including congenital heart disease, coronary heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, pulmonary heart disease, cardiomyopathy and other heart diseases.

This kind of arrhythmia needs to be treated positively and go to the hospital in time.

Sudden chest tightness, shortness of breath, etc

Be alert for symptoms

Now, staying up late has become a modern habit of life. It is not uncommon for arrhythmias to occur after overexertion such as watching sports events, staying up late playing games or working. Today, young people have a higher rate of arrhythmias. Although most of them are benign, there is no need to panic too much, but it does not mean that it can be left unchecked.

When it comes to arrhythmias, as with any other disease, prevention is better than cure. Because arrhythmia also has a lot to do with people's living habits and eating habits.

Therefore, to prevent arrhythmia, it is also necessary to maintain adequate sleep, do not smoke and drink, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, do not greedy diet, maintain emotional stability, and avoid great joy and sadness.

Sudden chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitation and other symptoms may be the prelude to arrhythmia. In these cases, we must pay attention and seek medical attention in time.

Drug therapy

Never buy your own medicine

Arrhythmias can usually be detected by an electrocardiogram. There are many ways to treat arrhythmias, including medication, radiofrequency ablation, cardioversion, and installation of a pacemaker. Most people treat arrhythmias with drugs of choice.

However, it should be reminded that anti-arrhythmic drug treatment must be carried out under the guidance of a cardiovascular specialist. Because antiarrhythmic drugs may also cause new arrhythmias, if the dosage and usage of the drug is not correct, it may have a counterproductive effect.

Due to the complex mechanism of arrhythmia, the effects and side effects of various antiarrhythmic drugs are different. Therefore, the choice of drugs for the treatment of arrhythmia needs to be comprehensively considered, and pay attention to the dosage and method of drugs in order to achieve the desired effect. Do not buy their own medicine to take, to the hospital treatment, should also find a specialist for professional diagnosis and treatment.

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