Sleep killers love to stalk young people

That's not really a good sleep

Sleep apnea syndrome, a sleep disorder characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep, is often overlooked in the early stages.

It is not only snoring so simple, can affect sleep, reduce blood oxygen saturation, further lead to high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, diabetes, respiratory insufficiency, anxiety, depression, dementia and other neuropsychiatric symptoms, and even sudden death in the middle of the night sleep process.

In patients with sleep apnea, the respiratory tract is like a whistle, and the air flow through the narrow part creates a vortex, which makes a sound, which is the cause of snoring.

If the snoring stops suddenly, it is possible that the patient's airway is completely blocked, which is very dangerous. Many of these patients are prone to sudden death during sleep, especially in the second half of the night, because they do not see a doctor in time.

How can you tell if you have apnea? Snoring is usually caused by sleeping position or alcohol consumption, and the snoring is usually light and even.

The snoring of sleep apnea has the following characteristics: first, the snoring is high, "high enough to be heard in the next room"; Second, the level of snoring is uneven, apnea patients snoring, will suddenly "no sound" during the period, after dozens of seconds there is a hook snoring; Third, the patient's family often describes "full of sweat, but also push arms and legs", but turn over, and immediately snoring as thunder.

Not only that, if there is always a dry mouth during sleep, the bed needs to prepare water, is caused by snoring mouth breathing, but also beware of sleep apnea syndrome.

Apnea is most common in young adults between the ages of 30 and 50

The general public does not think that snoring is a disease and does not associate it with illness.

Many patients often go to the doctor with symptoms such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and uneven teeth, not knowing that these may be complications of sleep apnea syndrome.

Sleep apnea, the "night killer," is a chronic, progressive disease with a death rate three times higher than that of people without the condition. But many people do not pay attention to it, especially the young and middle-aged people who are strong enough to support their families. Clinical investigations have found that there are fewer patients over the age of 65, and the most serious patients are between 30 and 50 years old.

Sleep apnea mostly occurs in people who drink alcohol, are chronically overworked, and are obese. Han Fang believes that this disease is more common in young people around 40 years old, and the age group usually has old people and young people, often drink and socialize, travel, get up early and sleep late. In addition, due to the improvement of living standards, more people drive than walk, insufficient exercise, and work pressure leads to obesity.

Expectant mother's snoring can cause baby 'distress'

The proportion of sleep disorders in pregnant women is not low, at least about 10%, and the most common symptom is snoring. Some occur before pregnancy, others after pregnancy, and snoring becomes more frequent as the gestational week increases.

In the state of hypoxia, the expectant mother will affect the development of the baby in the belly, and the probability of low-weight infants, severe asphyxia and other high-risk infants will increase. Studies have shown that 50% of expectant mothers with sleep apnea, usually in the third cycle of pregnancy (between 21 and 20 weeks of pregnancy), will have high blood pressure, preeclampsia, and significant hypoxemia can be found on sleep monitoring.

At this time to do fetal heart monitoring, the fetus will appear with the mother's apnea heart rate drop and other critical situations.

When pregnant women have daytime sleepiness, snoring at night, suffrage, urine at night, and dry mouth in the morning, they should be careful about sleep apnea. Pregnant women at high risk for sleep apnea should be screened early in pregnancy and managed throughout the pregnancy cycle once they have reached conditions requiring medical intervention.

For most pregnant women, ventilators can be rented during pregnancy, managed by doctors, and can be deactivated after childbirth.

Children who snore often become ugly

In addition, parents need to be warned. Children snoring, also need to pay enough attention. Because healthy children rarely snore, snoring is a red flag from the body, which may be sleep apnea syndrome.

Children in physical development are likely to have facial contour changes if they snore for a long time. Children due to long-term open-mouth breathing, do not breathe with the nose, because the nasal cavity for a long time can not be stimulated by air flow, resulting in the nasal cavity, the upper palate between the nose and the mouth, and then appear the widening of the distance between the eyes, the nose flat, the mouth thickened, the dentition is not straight, the upper incisor prominent, the lack of expression and other facial development deformation and ugly "adenoid face".

Therefore, parents should take their children to medical treatment as soon as possible. Early snoring in children does not require surgery, and is treated by wearing a non-invasive ventilator and oral orthotics.

When this happens, go to the hospital for screening

When something happens, do you need to go to the hospital? If the patient has obvious apnea, resulting in obvious hypoxia, and then the body produces a variety of damage, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, endocrine disorders, emotional changes, mental disorders, etc., it shows that the patient is in need of intervention, it needs to be screened under the guidance of a doctor, and standardized treatment after diagnosis.

In the past, when patients had sleep snoring or apnea, doctors needed to screen patients with sleep breathing monitoring at night. Due to the many lines and complex operation of the traditional polysomnia breathing monitoring instrument, it is necessary to monitor the whole night, and many patients need to wait for a long time to arrange the examination.

In recent years, the small, portable and wearable "blood oxygen saturation respiratory sleep monitor" has been used in sleep centers, snoring screening centers and physical examination centers. It is used to count hypoxic events and hypoxic index for preliminary screening in order to detect sleep apnea syndrome in time. For example, the ring pulse oximetry monitor, like a ring worn on the patient's finger, can easily obtain "oximetry" information, greatly improving the convenience of screening.

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