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In your life, have you found the following situations?

  1. Your mouth is often slightly open without realizing it

  2. It's not easy to close your mouth when you don't push your lips

  3. You often show your gums too easily

  4. Short chin, or chin retraction

  5. You often hear people comment on how they look unhappy or angry

If there are more than two, then you may have a more obvious convex mouth problem.

But in the meantime, congratulations, because you could be the next one.

Who says a convex mouth is a bad look? Impression has a lot of big beauty have a slight convex mouth characteristics, such as Scarlett Johansson, Jin Taixi, Guan Zhilin, and CAI Shaofen, Zhu Yin, Chen Farong, Hong Xin four 1990s Hong Kong wind beauty, a slight convex mouth not only did not pull down their appearance level, but let them very recognizable and personal characteristics.

Kimura light and Kimura heart beauty, who have a high appearance level gene, have also successfully inherited the mouth characteristics of their father Kimura Takuya and mother Kudo Shizuka, which are not only not affected at all, but make the five features more rich and three-dimensional.

Although the "beauty three points", but the remaining seven points must rely on other features to support it? Without the fairy appearance level of female stars, as ordinary people with ordinary features, if we already have a more obvious convex mouth problem, how to improve it? Today we will have a good chat ~

  1. Why does the convex beak always bother us?

First of all, in addition to the quiz at the beginning of this article, there is a simple and more Asian measurement that can also help us determine whether there is a convex beak:

As shown below, take a pen to connect two points between the tip of the nose and the tip of the chin, if you can obviously feel that the pen is pressing on our lips, then there is likely to be a convex mouth problem, and the greater the pressure on the lips by the pen, the more serious the convex mouth.

In fact, many people have a convex mouth problem in life, but most people are not very serious, and even look cute when they are young. However, if this goes on for a long time, or when you are older and the skin begins to relax slowly, you will find that the convex mouth is accompanied by a variety of problems, such as the depression of the nose base, the law wrinkles become deeper, the jaw becomes shorter, the jaw shrinks back, etc., which may seriously affect the development of the entire face and have a certain impact on the appearance level.

And for most of the convex mouth girls, often the most troubled is not the face, but the impact on the profile of the face. For example, Mizuhara Kiko and Miyoshi Aika are typical convex faces, the front looks fine, but from the side of the mouth suddenly appear prominent.

  1. Why does a convex beak form?

The root cause of all this and let us have the most important reason for trouble, in addition to natural genetics is the influence of unhealthy behavior habits, such as habitually breathing with the mouth, often licking teeth, pouting, etc., will affect the development of the shape of the jaw and teeth, thereby slowly forming the phenomenon of convex mouth.

The convex mouth is also divided into two basic types according to different properties: bony lordosis and dental lordosis.

Bony lordosis is a convex mouth caused by the maxillofacial jaw, usually protruding from the root of the teeth, even if the teeth are aligned, but the lips are still significantly lordosis, and in severe laughter the gums can be exposed.

Toshii Ishihara is a typical bony convex mouth, in fact, the teeth are very regular, but because of the thick lips, chin retraction, nose base sag, and the visual appearance of the mouth is very crooked, but the smile is still full of energy.

Dental lordosis is manifested by outward flying of the teeth and excessive inclination of the teeth. Typical examples include Kiko Mizuhara and Ayumi Nakajo.

Zheng Xiujing's early years were also mainly manifested in dental lordosis, jagged teeth with slight traces of bucktooth. Later, after correction, although I still do not like to smile, but the face looks a lot softer.

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