No one says a convex mouth is a bad look

  1. How to improve the convex beak?

As the skin ages with age, facial collagen will gradually lose, skin slack, convex mouth problem may be more obvious, so in daily life, what can be operated to help improve convex mouth?

Method 1: Orthodontic

In today's increasingly relevant to people's living standards and cognitive level, the beauty and cleanliness of teeth are really important, so the whole tooth has become a popular treatment item in recent years.

The effect of dental work is sometimes comparable to plastic surgery, especially in girls with a more serious convex mouth. However, in the orthodontic, we must choose qualified medical cosmetology institutions, dental clinics or hospitals for formal treatment, through the accurate measurement and calculation of professional doctors, according to the actual situation combined with orthodontic or maxillofacial surgery methods to correct the deviation of jaw development, which is the most effective and direct way.

Method 2: Learn expression management

For most girls who are only slightly convex mouths, you can usually pay more attention to some expression management skills, especially when taking photos, becoming more than three degrees of beauty. The first and most important thing is to adjust the way of breathing, try not to breathe with the mouth (rhinitis patients adjust their own conditions), long-term mouth breathing will affect the development of the jaw, resulting in jaw protrude, jaw retraction and other problems, and even harm the oral health environment.

Try raising the corners of your mouth as much as possible while smiling and stretching your chin forward naturally. This will make your smile look more relaxed and make your chin appear longer. In addition, try not to expose all your teeth when you smile, you can practice more in front of the mirror to find the most comfortable smile that suits you.

In the photo, slightly open your lips, gently press the tip of your tongue against the crown of your upper teeth, and press your chin. This will make the jaw line instantly clear. Showing a bit of teeth is also a natural way to look on the camera. If you deliberately close your lips, it will make the lines more obvious, and the person will be elongated, which is very easy to look old.

With 30 degree or 45 degree Angle side face shooting, it will be more thin, but also make the face outline structure look more three-dimensional, with the help of hands or small props around the clever cover, is also a photo tip oh ~

Method 3: Makeup techniques Embellishment

A convex mouth can also be improved on makeup, the key is to shift the visual focus to the upper half of the face and de-emphasize the protruding parts around the mouth.

Start with clever highlights and contouring. After the bottom makeup is completed, a layer of highlight is played in the place of the law line, the tip of the nose, the base of the nose and the chin to lighten, and the sides of the cheeks are shaded, which can relatively weaken the prominence of the lips, and if the person can also play the contouring under the nose, it will look flatter.

Stay away from glossy lipsticks. For a girl with a convex mouth, too full lip lines and shiny colors will draw attention to the lips of the face, which is counterproductive. It is recommended to directly try lip bite makeup and matte texture of lipstick, which can make the lips have the feeling of being pulled in and help to shape the face.

If you happen to have thick lips, it's time to base them. Pull it in instead of covering the entire lip, opt for a matte shade to cover and soften sharp peaks and lines, and use lipstick to create a sharp lip corner to bring the corners of the mouth up. This method is especially good for women with thick lips or sunken chins.

Curl your brows to avoid crowding your features. Eyebrows often play a decisive role in the overall temperament of the face, convex mouth girls usually due to the raised lips, making the entire facial structure look relatively concentrated, and appropriate with some curved eyebrows will help widen the distance between the eyebrows and the eyes, so that the overall face looks more atmospheric, not crowded.

All right, did you learn any of today's dry goods tips to improve the convex mouth?

Finally, we want to say that these same female stars with some convex mouths can make you still feel beautiful, not only because they have the perfect features of the remaining "seven points", but also because they accept their "three points" of the imperfect and still radiate confidence from the inside out.

Just as everyone's aesthetic is different, different standards, convex mouth is not necessarily a shortcoming, it can become your personal characteristics, just need to accept it and through some tips to help yourself find the most beautiful, the most confident state, and do the most confident of your own is always the key to really make you beautiful.

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